Chapter 15

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I put my phone in my pocket and am ready to go to the carnival with Matthew. We already told the others we were going alone for a bit and would meet up with them. I'm honestly nervous to go. Did he mean this as a date? No probably not. Does he want it to be? Does he like me? Oh my gosh what's wrong with me.


Ok so I know I should be there more for my best friend Karrisa. I know I haven't been. I feel really bad that I haven't been there for her as much. I guess she's going to the carnival with Matthew... I'm kind of jealous. There's one thing I'll never forgive Karrisa for and that's Matthew. I used to be obsessed with him but that's when I showed her him when her family died to cheer her up.

It felt good seeing her happy but it didn't feel good when she started obsessing over him. She kind of took him from me. I felt like a chunk of happiness got ripped out from me because he made me happy too. He helped everything wrong not be wrong. So I am still really liking Matthew and am really jealous of Karrisa. I will get him back and make him know that I should be the one for him. He should be fixing my broken heart and not hers.

I will get him back. And that will be tonight.


Me and Matthew get in his car. I think I'm starting to like him. Maybe... Just maybe I can trust him. He plays some music but it's quiet. "So..." He says. "So..." I mimic him. We both let out a tiny laugh. "So um... When was the last time you went to a carnival?" He asked me. "Um... in fifth grade with Andrea." I say to him. He smiles. "Cool. What time is it?" He asks me. I pull out my phone. "5pm" I say to him. "Ok." He replies. We pull into a parking lot and park.

Matthew get out and rushes over to my side and opens my door door me. I laugh and get out. Matthews wearing black sweatshirt and khakis with black vans and his hear is quiffed up. I shut the door and he links arms with me. He smiles at me and he has a smile that can make any girl melt. I smile back shyly and he chuckles under his breathe. We walk up to the ticket booth. "How much for a wristband?" Matthew asks. "15 dollars." She replies. Damn that's expensive. I pull out fifteen dollars but Matthew pays before I can.

"You didn't have to do that." I say to him. "But I did." He says while putting our wristbands on. We exchange smiles and walk in. "What should we go on first?" He asks. "Um I don't know whatever-" He cuts me off. "The tiltawhirl!" Matthew yells like a five year old and I laugh. He grabs my hand and brings me to the ride and we get on. I love being near him.

The ride starts and we laugh and it was awesome. We get off and I hear Matthews stomach grumble. "Hungry?" I ask him. "Yeah... let's get some food?" He asks and I nod yes. We walk over to a food stand and he orders is 2 pretzels with cheese and fries, and two root beers. We sit down and eat. "Thank you but once again you didn't have to pay for me." I say to him. I feel guilt when people pay for me. "Your welcome and someone as pretty as you shouldn't be paying." He says the second part quietly. So quiet I don't think I was supposed to hear it. "Um thanks." I say blushing. He looks at me embarrassed. "Oh you heard that..." He trails off quietly. After five minutes we get up again.

It's getting pretty dark since we decided to play some games. We walk away from a game and it's almost pitch black but we can see from the carnivals lights shining. "Ferris Wheel?" Matthew asks. "Sure." I say. We walk over to the Ferris wheel and he grabs my hand. I blush and he smiles and lightly chuckles. We get in line. When we are in front we see Shawn and everyone else in the distance.

"Let's ride this before we go meet up with them." Matthew says and I agree. We get on and it's very beautiful scenery. It starts and we slowly make our way around on the huge Ferris wheel. We stop way on top. There's a cool breeze. "So um Karrisa... I need to tell you something." Matthew says shyly. "Yeah?" I peep out. "We'll um... listen I think you're really pretty and I honestly... really like you." He says looking me deep in the eye. I stare back. "I like you too Matthew." I reply and my heart skips a heat knowing he likes me that way.

We both smile. "Really?" He asks excited. "Really." I reply. I find him leaning in and I start too. That's when I feel his lips on mine. I feel huge sparks of electricity through every inch of my body. We pull away. "You felt that right?" Matthew asks. I pause for a moment taking it all in. "Yeah." I reply. We both smile and realize that it's time to get off. We get off and meet up with our friends.

"Hey guys!" Shawn calls out. "Hey!" Matthew replies. Jack G is glaring at me hard along with Nash. I don't look at them but what really shocks me is Andrea rolls her eyes at me. Wtf? We walk around for a while together. "Hey let's go on the pirate ship!" Matthew says. "Um I can't stand the pirate ship..." I say and Matthews jaw drops. "Really?" He asks and I nod. "But you can still go on it." I say with a smile. "I'll go on it with you." I hear Andrea say stepping towards Matthew. Um... ok. "Sure." Matthew says. He gives me one last look before they both walk off.

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