Gajeel x Reader (Singing!)

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"Get off the stage! Not him again!" The members laughed and shouted at Gajeel. He loved it though.

You smile to yourself. You love how confident your boyfriend is and how he's not shy in any way whatsoever.

"Your boyfriend is certainly one of a kind," Erza chuckled as she elbowed you. You clutch the spot where she elbowed you, a little bit in pain. Her metal armour really isn't just for show.

"Yeah that's why I love him," You manage to answer back.

"Opposites really do attract huh?" Lucy commented.

"What do you mean?" You ask her. You noticed your boyfriend get off the stage so you turned towards Lucy.

"You're a great singer. He's a bad singer. You're a shy person. He's a confident person," Lucy answered.

"You sing?" You heard Gajeel's voice behind you, making you jump slightly.

"Yeah she-!" Lucy was cut off.

"No! I don't! I don't sing!" You said in a panic. You really didn't want to sing to your boyfriend. You were too shy!

"Hmm," He smiled. You knew that look. You knew it very well.

"No," You shook your head, immediately shooting him down.

"Sure," He continued to give you that look.

Later on, you were in your study and Gajeel opened the door with his guitar. You knew he'd do this. He cleared his throat and then sat on the chair by your desk in your study, playing the guitar softly. He was playing your favourite song.

He sang the lyrics to your favourite song and you tried to ignore it, continuing your work. You scribbled furiously on a piece of paper to distract yourself, drawing a hurricane on your scrap piece of paper.

He continued and eventually you gave in, humming along first. Then singing quietly. Then singing normally. Then getting into it and singing loudly. He froze in shock.

"What the hell...?" Gajeel said.

"Was I that bad?" You ask him, looking down in embarrassment.

"No no no! You were amazing!" Gajeel complimented.

"Thank you Gajeel," You blushed a little.

"You're such a great singer it makes up for you being a bad liar," Gajeel smirked.

"Shut up," You stick your tongue out at him.

"You know what else makes up for you being a bad liar?" He asked.

"What?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Being a good kisser," He leaned in, kissing you.

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