Laxus x Reader (I Missed You!)

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You put on your dress. The one that made Laxus go crazy. The way it complimented your body made it impossible for him to take his eyes off of you.

It had been a while since you and Laxus has gone on a date. Five months to be precise. Things at the guild have just been so busy for him.

After putting on your trainers (because you liked to walk in comfort) you walked to the central of Magnolia. You entered the cafe you were told to meet him at and saw him waiting there patiently.

"Y/n," His eyes lit up as he saw you walking to his table. You loved that only you saw this side of him and that he only showed this side to you.

"Laxus," You smile as he hugs you, giving you a peck on the cheek that lingered longer than a usual peck would.

"You look beautiful," A corner of his mouth turning up into that mischievous smirk you fell in love with, "You cheeky girl, did you wear this dress on purpose?"

He lifted his hand and held your cheek, rubbing his thumb gently. You laughed as a hint of blush appeared on your cheeks. When you settled down, you frowned.

"I missed you," You sighed, placing your hand on top of his that was on your cheek.

"I know, I'm sorry baby," Laxus frowned. He always looks too adorable when he apologises, making it difficult to stay mad at him for longer than ten seconds, "Please smile. I hate it when you're sad..."

"...Can we go to the beach?" You ask, a sudden urge to want to go there. He was surprised at first, but then nodded and took you there using his lightning magic. It was so fast that goosebumps appeared on your skin from the coldness of the wind.

"Here," Laxus took off his furry coat and wrapped it around you. He chuckled at how it basically swallowed you.

"Thanks," You smile back, feeling the heat surround your body.

You sat down on the sand next to Laxus with his coat still wrapped around you. It blocked out all the cold and it smelt just like him. You snuggled your face into the fur and he grinned at how innocent you looked.

You both just sat and spoke about anything and everything, happy to be able to have some alone time with each other.

"I missed you Y/n," He turns to you and kisses you, one hand holding your cheek and the other holding your hand on your lap.

"I missed you too Laxus," You said when you both broke away, catching your breaths before kissing each other again.

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