Laxus x Reader (I'll Protect You!)

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"Hey Y/n," Laxus stood on your doorstep. You had invited him over to have a sleepover since you guys were insanely close.

"Come in!" You grin and he responded with his signature smirk that made your heart skip a beat every single time.

Whilst you sat in front of the television, watching a horror movie, you tensed a little. Horror movies freaked you out, but you wanted to seem brave in front of him. It wasn't easy.

One of the scariest jump scares popped up, causing you to literally jump into Laxus' arms. It was like he had his arms already open for you.

"I felt that coming, you've been tense since this film started. I was waiting for you to say to stop watching, but it turns out you're more stubborn than I thought," Laxus chuckled.

"Not funny," You pout as he ruffles your hair.

"It's okay, I'll protect you," He smirked.

You were about to defend yourself, but then you yawned. It was past midnight now and your events in the day had already worn you out.

"Alright sleepy, let's call it a night," Laxus stood up to brush his teeth.

You were sleeping on the same bed as Laxus, but he was facing away from you. You were close friends, but still found it slightly awkward to face each other whilst sleeping.

Tossing and turning in your sleep, you had the biggest nightmare. You woke up, sweat beads across your forehead and tears in your eyes.

Laxus was already awake.

"I'm sorry, I woke you up, didn't I?" You sigh.

"It's fine, but are you okay?" Laxus asked, "Must've been some bad nightmare."

"Yeah," You dry your eyes.

You both turned to go back to sleep, but you couldn't fall asleep. You were still frightened from the nightmare.

Then you felt Laxus turn around and you saw his shadow moving as he put an arm over your waist. He hugged you from behind, pulling you into his muscular chest.

"I meant it when I said I'll protect you," He mumbles into your hair, "So don't worry. You're safe with me."

"Good night Laxus," You whisper.

"Good night Y/n."

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