Cobra x Reader (You're Lucky!)

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You were assigned by Sting to go on this mission along with Orga and Rufus. It annoyed you at first because you preferred to do jobs that didn't require you risking your life, but Sting said that you'd be a major asset to the team. There's no way you'd let Sabertooth down. It wasn't in your blood.

On the bright side, your cousin, Natsu, was there too. He was so loud though. You've already thrown him into a tree from how annoying he is and he's declared about a million duels with you. That was until the Oración Seis turned up. That was when we stopped messing around.

You were standing there with all the other guilds. You all got here just in time before Nirvana was activated.

Everyone were fighting. It was bad. Blood poured out everywhere and your shouts echoed out.

You were a lightning mage so you could land quick attacks, slowly damaging them. It was a slow process, but at least it was holding them off a little.

A fireball was aiming straight for the purple snake that belonged to an enemy named 'Cobra.' You're guessing that's not his real name, but it's his code name or something.

You don't know what came over you, but you jumped in front of it. The fireball hit you in the arm. It hurt so badly, you couldn't move it. It was probably Natsu who shot the attack, but he shoots so many fireballs that he isn't even aware of where or who he's aiming them at.

Luckily, no one saw it happen. If people saw, they'd wonder why you were helping the enemy team and they'd think you were a traitor. The truth was, you just loved animals, you always have, even if they are trying to kill you.

You thought no one saw it happen, but you were proved wrong when Cobra turned around to face you, kneeling at your level since you had fallen on the floor after the hit.

"Why did you protect him?" He asked you. Your first instinct was to strike him with a lightning shard, so you used your unharmed hand to produce one, but he was too fast and had his hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you from hitting him with it, "I hear everything."

"Get off me," You growl.

"Why did you help Cubellios?" Cobra asked more stern.

"I care about animals," You answer, leaving him a little stunned before he regains his composure.

"That's such a weak answer," He scoffed, angering me, but then his expression softened slightly and he spoke in a quieter tone, "But I guess I can help your team out a little since you saved him."

He pointed to his team and 'Cubellios,' the purple snake, tripped up his own team.

"Cobra what the hell?!" His team glowered but quickly returned back to attacking.

"You're lucky I'm nice," Cobra slowly got up, but not before moving to your ear and whispering, "And that you're beautiful."

He got up fully and so did you, not breaking eye contact. You felt the biggest urge to just kiss him, but you didn't. That would be weird, right?

"We should go back to our sides, but once this is all over, I hope I see you again, Y/n," Cobra spoke, "But for now, you're my enemy and I am yours."

"I never even told you my name," You pointed out.

"I told you, I hear everything,"  Cobra smirked, "Including the part where you wanted to kiss me."

"I didn't think that at all," You mumbled, looking away.

"Don't lie to me princess," He grabbed your chin to look him straight in the eye. Then he placed a surprisingly gentle peck on your lips.

He left you there in shock as he turned around with a wink, waving as he walked back into the battle.


Author's Note:

This was requested by: SmileLion5

I hope you liked it! :)

I actually couldn't even remember what happened during the Nirvana arc so I had to do a speed research session on that arc haha!

See y'all next time! <3

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