Gray x Reader (Go On Then!)

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It was finally the day. The day you got settled down and fully committed yourself to one man and one man only.

You've always been the heartbreaker of Fairy Tail, playing with the heartstrings of many people in Magnolia. That was until you met Gray.

There was something different about him. He wasn't boring like the ones you've met. He always knew how to make boring situations fun. Like that time you had to do some research on some sort of monster spotted in the forest.

You had to spend all day at the library, which was originally boring until Gray came along. He brought you a bunch of snacks and iced the floor of the library, causing you two to skate around to find the books. It also meant you guys got to see the other people in the library sliding on their faces, bringing you to tears from laughing. It was safe to say you guys weren't welcome back at that library anymore, but you didn't care. You didn't want to go back there ever again anyway.

"It's your big day. How are you feeling?" Erza asks you, adjusting your veil.

"It's honestly unreal. I can't believe I'm getting married," You chuckle, "And to that ice idiot."

"The ceremony is starting soon!" Lucy burst in, squealing.

"Go get married!" Levy pushes you out of the door.

You looked back at your friends as they gave you a massive thumbs up and bright smiles.

This was it. The music was playing and your whole family, Fairy Tail, were occupying the rows of seats. Happy, Carla and Panther Lily were sprinkling the petals above the aisle as you walked down.

At the very end of the aisle was him. Gray Fullbuster. He gave you the biggest beam you've ever seen him do.

After welcoming everyone to the wedding, it was time for your vows. Gosh, you were so nervous. Let's hope you remembered them.

You did and so did he. Then the rings were given to you both and you exchanged them with care.

"Do you take Gray Fullbuster to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," I responded almost immediately.

"Do you take Y/n L/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," He smiled.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

His icy lips enveloped yours as you pulled him impossibly closer.

"WOO! GET IT QUEEN!" You hear your best friend, Erza, scream, making you chuckle a little.

When you pulled away, Gray wiped a tear from your cheek that you didn't even know was there.

"You're beautiful," Gray smiles, cupping your cheeks.

"I love you," You grin.

"I love you too," He beams.

"GO ICE PRINCESS!" A familiar voice was heard in the crowd and Gray's head immediately shot to where it came from. Then he regained his composure, looking back at you.

"You really want to go kick him, don't you?" You laugh and he shyly nodded, "Go on then."

"You're the best!" Gray grinned like a kid, "And that's why you're mine."


Author's Note:

This was requested by: Stardust4475
I hope you liked it!

I've actually not been to a wedding that I have "fully understood" so I'm actually just going by what google has said about weddings, meaning if I didn't write it correctly, it's because I have no clue what happens at weddings.

Please feel free to request certain characters and storylines everyone!

See you next time! <3

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