Chapter 3

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The sound  of the birds and cold breeze blowing outside instantly woke me up from sleep,

I rubbed my eyes and sat down crossing my leg on the mat,

I don't know for how long I've been thinking but a loud banging outside brought me instantly back from my thoughts

I think that was the giant clock sitting in the maids chambers.

"I hope you slept well?" Amla asked when she saw that i was already up

"Eh Alhamdulillah" i said as i gave her a quick smile

"Well we better hurry" she said handing me the kettle

"You'll bath there before time, after you perform your ablution bring back the kettle" she said

"Hurry up because sometimes the line gets so long that you won't get to bath before time" she said smiling

I went out and hurried to the side where the toilets were,

I hurried and entered an empty toilet i saw, the toilets were kind of much but the maids were more than the toilets number thats why the line use to be long,

I received a lot of stares on my way to the toilet and on my way back to our room

"Ya dai" someone said to me when i was performing my ablution near the well there

"Lafiya lau" I replied smiling

She extended her hand to me

"I'm Fatima" she said returning the smiling favor

"Kitchen maid" she added

I received her handshake still smiling

"I'm Jadwa, the new personal maid" i told her

"Wow Jadwa welcome to the family" she said

"Thank you" i said getting up to go back to my room

"Jadwa, i hope to see you around again" she said smiling

I just nodded and dashed away

"What took you long?" Amla asked immediately I entered

"One girl was talking to me" I replied her picking my hijjab

I finished praying and started dressing up

"Won't you bath?" I asked Amla

She just smiled and got up

"Its because you're new Jadwa you will soon get it" she said chuckling

"Who was the girl talking to you the other time?" She asked

"She said she was a kitchen maid called Fatima" i told her

"Ohhh its Fatiti, shes friendly and kinda weird" she said putting on her shoes

"Shall we" she asked

I took a deep breath and nodded then we went out

We got there at exactly 7am and I didn't know what to do because the routine Mami explained for me starts at 7:30,

So I stayed idle in the kitchen watching the other maids doing their duties,

Everyone knows what to do and immediately they step inside the gate they all get busy,

I also noticed that there was a 3rd gate there I didn't really notice was there yesterday

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now