Chapter 7

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I didn't even know how many times i mentally killed myself

I got up only to fall back down,

"Oww my leg" i said quietly after the second fall

I didn't even know where to start from because he was supposed to just come down and eat then leave,

His meeting was in 1 hour

"Na shiga 3" I told myself when I picked the suit up and saw how it's turning

I rushed to the laundry room Ammah showed me yesterday and started looking for ways to clean it,

I hurried and placed it in the washing machine only for me to remove it and then boom

What was given to me 10minutes ago and what I'm holding now are two different things,

I mentally shouted my throat out

What am i even supposed to do?

I hurried and dried it in the drier maybe it's because its wet thats why it's looking weird

I dried it and removed it but nothing changed,

It was black with some silver stripes when the guy gave me but now its having some shades of brown and navy blue and something like milk like white,

I picked it and dashed out of the laundry room so that i can clean the spilled water only for me to come face to face with the devil,

I hurried and hid the suit behind me,

I didn't even kneel and didn't have the courage to look at him either,

After minutes of standing there with both of us quiet he spoke,

"I believe you have something of mine?"

I slowly looked at him with a raised eyebrows waiting for me to speak up

I didn't even know what to say but I couldn't do anything at that moment,

I gently knelt down and tears started running down my face,

I didn't even know when the suit fell down all i heard was a loud noise followed by....

"Fuck fuck fuck" then he snatched it from me immediately I picked it up and started looking at it as if his life depends on it,

"No no nooo noooo this can't freaking happen"

"What did you do?" He asked obviously waiting for the reply I don't have

"Dan Allah kayi hakuri" i said with a shaking voice

"Hakuri?" He asked

"Do you know what you just did?

"How the fuck did you even do that?"

"More than a billion dollars contract is there waiting for me and you're telling me sorry"

"Do you know how much this suit cost?" He asked throwing it to my face

"Your entire family's saving cannot buy this suit"

"I don't know where the fuck you came from, but didn't your mother teach you how to do things slow and stedy?"

"Did she teach you to always ruin things!!!!" He shouted

Mentioning my mother right there and then and saying all those things made my heart broken and the flow of tears increased

"Your filthy tears will not bring my damn suit back so seize those things coming out of your eyes before i do it myself"

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now