Chapter 30

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I was instantly speechless when he said that

"You're my superior mister" I mentally said then I looked up and saw him starring at me, he was obviously waiting for an answer

"Yes?" He asked when i said nothing

Then I turned my head gesturing no,

"Do i scare you?" He asked in a calm voice

"What should i say!!!!"

"Its okay Jadwa, I understand that you hate me but remember that we're all humans" he confessed

I gathered all my remaining confidence and spoke up

"I'm sorry your highness" i said

"For?" He asked looking at me as if he was waiting for me to confess something

"Before I started working here i was lectured on how to work and associate with you"

He didn't say anything which was a sign for me to continue talking

"And most of my behaviors are not allowed here but I'm sorry"

"Jadwa" he called and i answered with "Na'am"

"Rules right?" He asked and i nodded

"From today henceforth,you listen to nobody's rules expect mine" he said coming close to me

"Okay?" He asked and I replied "yes your highness"

"Good" then he continued

"Rule number 1- never keep a straight face when you talk to me, always smile

Rule number 2- every night you read me at least 5 pages from any book I'm interested in before you go to sleep"

"Rule number 3- you will always eat at the time I'm eating and on the same table"

"Are these even rules?" I mentally asked myself

He kept quiet for some time before he spoke up

"Thats it for now but more are coming with time"

"Goodbye" he said and went upstairs, I entered my room thinking about what just happened,

That was how rules changed in sultan's chamber overnight,

The next morning he went out very early I guess to the wedding Fatiha Mus'ain told me about,

I was frying the masa he said he wanted for breakfast when i heard voices from the parlor I guess they were back,

"Good morning princess" Mus'ain said coming into the kitchen

I didn't even need to turn to see who it was so I replied with "Good morning London man"

He chuckled and came to my side picking one masa

"God i miss home" he said chewing it,

After breakfast Sultan sent me to Didi's place to collect something for him and as usual he didn't say what it was he only said "something",

So I picked my hijjab and was about to go when Mus'ain stood "wait up let's go together" i nodded and waited for him so he went inside the kitchen,

Sultan looked at me as if he was sad but I quickly turned my head to the tv till i saw Mus'ain coming out with a bottle of coke,

"Lets go" he said putting his arms around my shoulder and I flinched immediately,

He understood I didn't want that I guess because he opened the door and we left,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now