Chapter 35

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I woke up feeling somehow better so immediately i took my bath i wore my uniform getting ready to start the chores,

"Good morning your highness" I greeted when i saw him coming down the stairs

"Cupcake" he said smiling revealing his deep pitting dimple "what are you doing out?" He asked coming closer

I could give anything to always see that smile on his face

"I was going to start the chores" I replied quietly and he said "no" immediately

"Go and rest I don't want to see you out here today" he instructed

"Lets go check your temperature" he said heading to my room and I followed behind him quickly

"No Jadwa please get some rest your temperature is still high" he said tapping the thermometer

"Thank you so much your highness" i said because he was really trying for me,

I taught the way his attitude was will not even make him consider my health condition but i was wrong

"Shhh Jadwa" he said and continued "do you know what?" He asked and i said "No your highness"

"There" he said "I don't like how you call me your highness"

I couldn't help but look at him with my wide eyes because I don't understand,

"Yes Cupcake, call me Sultan" he said smiling

"Huh" escaped my mouth without my consent

"Yes Jadwa or would you prefer Sweetheart?" He asked and immediately I turned my head gesturing no

"The sultan will do" i mentally told my self

"Ok you..." then I corrected myself "Sultan" which came out more as a whisper

"Its a deal then" he said

I nodded and laid back down then he said "I'm coming" and left

I started dozing when i heard the door opening,

"Sorry Jadwa jiki har yanzu koh?" The Doctor asked

"Aa wlhy I feel so much better now" I replied nervously because i know he came here to inject me and as if Sultan knows i heard him chuckle

"This is the last dose okay?i know you hate it" the doctor said bringing out the injection

As usual tears started rolling down my cheeks and I cleaned them before stretching my hands out for him,

"Done" he said leaving the wool there,

"Allah ya kara sauki" he said picking his bag before saying bye to Sultan

"C'mon Cupcake sorry okay" he said cleaning the spot for me,

He rubbed the ointment he got for me there and blew some air which made me feel better immediately,

"Sleep okay? I'm going out now but I'll soon come back" he said

I laid there and waited for about 20 minutes then I decided to rush and see Amla since i feel somehow better now,

"Inalillahi Jadwa ya jiki?" She asked immediately she saw me

"Alhamdulillah Am" I replied then it clicked to me

"How did you know i was sick?"

"Uhm Yarima asked for me the other day so when i came he told me to bring breakfast lunch and dinner to his dining and also I've been seeing the doctor coming in and out but Yarima doesn't look sick and I don't see you around" she explained

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now