Chapter 17

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"I'm sorry please I'm leaving" I managed to whisper but my legs had to betray me

"Come on" he said giving me his hand

"What was I supposed to do?" I asked myself

"Let me help you up" he offered and my hands had to betray me again because I didn't even know when I extended my hand grabbing his own gently,

My heart skipped a bit but I ignored maybe it's because of how soft his hands were,

He lead me to a white sofa there in his room and i say down but still couldn't stop crying so I placed my head on my knee struggling with the pains i was feeling,

I have a very abnormal cramps that always comes with heavy mensural flow and even make me faint sometimes,

I use to be so emotional and even cry for no reason sometimes or think myself to tears,

I didn't feel his presence again so i raised my head and searched but he wasn't there,

Then he came and sat on the chair opposite me with his food on his laps picking it like a little boy you fed something he doesn't want to eat,

I laid my head a little on the arms of the sofa to relax a bit but nothing was helping

"What can i do to help?" He asked but I couldn't say anything so I decided to be courageous and at least go and lay in my assigned room

He was on his phone when I decided to leave

"I'm so sorry about this please" i told him resting both of my hands on the chair arms to support me as i leave but i fell back immediately making him to turn immediately to look at me

"Omg Jadwa baiwar Allah kin shiga 3" I mentally told myself when i saw what happened

I started crying so heavily scaring him but who cares

"Ab how far abo......." Haidar chocked on his words when he saw me crying

"What is happening? What did you do to her?" He asked rushing to my side

"What the fuck will i do to her" Sultan replied angrily but Haidar ignored him coming to grab my face with his palm

"Jadwa are you ok" he asked but I only nodded a yes and started turning my head crying,

"Gashi nan shegiya 'yar gidan babu, idan ya kare kuma ai za a san nayi tunda dai ba uban ki ke bani kudi ba" aunty Salma's hurtful words rang in my ears,

That is what she always says whenever i was on my period and she gave me a pack of pad,

"What am I supposed to do? Where am I going to start from?"

This is the most embarrassing moment of my life, the white couch i was sitting on was now stained and the stain was so visible that immediately i stand up they both will see it,

"Should i just whisper to Haidar?" I asked myself but I couldn't because i have a very shy personality and i cant even open my mouth to tell him what happened,

He came close to me and asked me what's wrong one more time,

"Please if i can get some pain killers" I begged crying

He then dashed away immediately saying brb

"Sorry" Sultan said quietly as if he didn't want me to hear him

"Allah ya taimake ka" I started saying slowly gathering the remaining confidence i had before I pour it down the drain

He then looked at me waiting for me to say what i was about to,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now