Chapter 49

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Guess who's back💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻


"Sannu ranki ya dade" I greeted the queen immediately we entered,

She smiled and looked at Mami and immediately she looked at the maids and they all left,

Then she sat upright still staring at me

"I'm a fool for not seeing my sisters eyes in you Jadwa" she said holding my hands

"I think i was blind" she added then continued "you look alike so well but i was blind to see"

"Aaban" she called an he answered "Na'am"

"I want us to go to jigawa when i feel stronger okay? She asked and he nodded

"Masha Allah" she said and laid back down,

"Um jadwa!" She called when i was about to leave

"Naam" I replied and went back to her side

"I asked Mami to arrange a room for you here, you'll be staying here from now" she said and my heart skipped a bit

"Maa?" Sultan called

"Aaban shes not a maid we'll get you another one soon" she told him but i saw the look in his eyes, he was angry or sad i cant quite tell

He stormed out of the room before me and even when i went out he wasn't there,

"The room is right here" a maid said and i nodded and followed her still looking around to see if he was still there but he wasn't


"I always have that feeling that she doesn't belong there" Didi said after I told her what happened earlier today

"There?" I asked

"Among the maids" she added

We were seated there in her front porch talking, I wanted to tell her how i feel about Jadwa since she's the best person to tell but I didn't know how to start,

"Do you have anything to tell me?" She asked and I totally forgot that she can read me like an open book

"Aa" i lied and she kept starring at me smiling

"Didiiiii" i said laying on one of the pillows

"Cmon its me Aaban spill" she said and i closed my eyes and smiled

"Didi" i called and she said "Na'am I'm hearing you"

"Okay Didi ummm its just that i ummm I wanted to tell you this for a very long time but I couldn't find a good time to say it because i was scared it was forbidden"

"Uhumm" she said and I looked at her and turned away

"Didi it's about Jadwa" i said again

"What about her?" She asked and I instantly felt shy but still kept talking

"I love her Didi" I finally spilled and her reply was funny

"I know" she said putting a grape in her mouth

"You know?" I asked sitting up

"Yes Aaban, actually anybody with a brain and eyes will know that you love the girl" she said and I didn't understand so I kept looking at her to continue

"Did you see how you came to me this morning?" She asked and i smiled

"You looked like a lost homeless puppy about to be slaughtered" she said chuckling

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now