Chapter 18

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"Sir the seminar in London is scheduled for next week" Mary my secretary said following slowly behind me

"Okay make the arrangements" i said without waiting to hear what she will say,

Immediately I closed the office door behind me i sat down with my head on the table,

I then sighed and raised my head thinking about how it's going to be,

I hate eating anywhere apart from home but now even at home i hate eating any food now except the one the maid cook by herself,

I'm trying so hard to be nice to her but I think its not gonna work,

I sat there thinking about how to prepare then an idea came to me so I hurried and dialed Marys office number on the landline,

"Hello Sir" she said politely

"Hold on about the preparation I'll get back to you soon,"

"Okay sir"

"And one more thing, schedule an appointment with the immigration office tomorrow"  i didn't wait to hear what she will say i just hung up,

I then decided to leave since i was the boss so i can even work from home

The next morning the maid "Sorry Jadwa" brought my breakfast,

"Hold on" i said when she turned to leave

I dipped my hands in my pocket and brought out my gold card and handed it to her

She looked at my hand as if i was giving her fire to hold


"What am I supposed to do?" I asked but before my brain comprehend i just stretched and collected the nice looking card from him

"Get ready at 11,Sadiq is coming to take you to the market" he said putting a potato in his mouth before he continued

"Get foodstuffs that will last for a whole week, whatever you use to cook here at home get it and leave nothing out" be ordered and i nodded because I didn't know what he meant

I looked at him and then the card, then he looked at the card on my hand and then to me then he sighed "I forgot you're dumb" then he handed me a pen and paper

"Write a list of foodstuffs you think will last 2 to 3 people for a week, Sadiq my driver is coming to take you to the supermarket so you will buy them later at 11" then he raised is eyebrows waiting for me to say something

"Yes your highness" i said and waited for him to finish eating so that he can leave and i will finally meet Amla and spill out what is happening to her,

Immediately he left I rushed to the main kitchen with the card and the pen and paper,

"Amla Amla" i called and rush to her place making her drop the broom on her hand,

I dragged her to the balcony and we sat down,

"Kinga Sultan gave me this" i said giving her the card as I explained what he said

"Wayyo Jadwa you're so lucky" she said inspecting the card carefully

"Amla i don't know how to shop or even make the list" I confessed

So she helped me mention some things that I forgot, finally after about 30 minutes we were done

"Please buy sweets for us kinji" she joked and i just eyed her and stood up and hugged her saying thank you before I rushed to finish my work since its almost time,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now