Chapter 25

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Sultan motioned me with his eyes to blow the candles and i did immediately full of surprise,

"Happy birthday" he told me and I whispered a thank you

I looked at him and noticed he was still holding the cake looking at me

"Was I supposed to hold the cake?" I asked myself but before i come up with a solution he said "follow me"

And like a chick following behind her mother I followed him down immediately,

He asked for a knife so I entered the kitchen and came out with one,

He sliced a small piece and dropped it on the small plate he asked me to get, i quietly ate the cake praising how amazing it was in my mind,

I took the remaining and dropped it in the fridge together with the cake Mus'ain got me which was also big,

Even when i went back he wasn't there so I quietly went back to sleep,

London became boring since after Mus'ain left so I started getting anxious to go back to Zaria,

I was at home alone throughout Monday and Tuesday, Sultan was finishing everything today and we're leaving that same night so i was packing my things when he called me to arrange his box for him too,

I was so happy at the airport but i hid it behind a straight face,

Luckily I wasn't as cold as i was the time we came thanks to the hoodie Mus'ain got me,

"Jadwa mutanen London" Haidar joked immediately he saw me,

He was among the convoy that came to pick Sultan from the airport with 3 other cars,

It was midnight when we arrived so we stayed at his house here in Abuja,

Since my last incident with Haidar I haven't seen him till today so the memory came back and i felt somehow uncomfortable around him,

We arrived and this time I didn't sleep in the maids quarters i was given a room downstairs,

I taught we were leaving the next day but i it cane and Sultan didn't say anything,

"Good morning Ammah" I greeted when i saw her coming down the stairs

"Mutanen Zaria barka da Safiya" she said with a warm smile

"Yar halak i was just about to come to you" she added

"Yarima said he wanted scrambled eggs with fried potatoes for breakfast" she told me and i nodded

"But he needs his tea now"

So I rushed to make the tea for him in the kitchen greeting the maids i met there working

"Ina kwana" I greeted him dropping the tea on the table next to the chair he was seated

"An tashi lafiya?" He asked not looking up to look at me which didn't bother me because of the statement "mai hali baya fasa halin shi"

"Lafiya kalau" I replied then i left him there reading a book

I made his breakfast and dropped it on the dining table before going up to call him,

I served him then I turned to leave

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked looking at me

"Kitchen your highness" I replied holding the tray tightly

"Sit" he ordered motioning me to one of the chairs there

I gently sat down with the tray on my hand

"Have you eaten?" He asked chewing his fries gently

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now