Chapter 41

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"Baby you can finish it tomorrow okay we're not in a hurry" Sultan said to me for the second time,

It was Thursday night and tomorrow morning we were going to abuja so i was packing his clothes

It was just 9pm but he kept insisting that I should stop packing and leave it till tomorrow but I didn't want to,

"Its not that late" i said placing his shoes gently in their own suit case,

"Done" i said trying to take them downstairs

"Aa Jadwa you're not taking these things down now" he warned

"Sit" he ordered tapping the space close to him on his couch

I gently sat down exhaling deeply

"Sannu" he said and I replied with a "thank you"

He then removed something from his pocket then he held my hand and unclipped the shiny silver bracelet putting it gently around my wrist,

"There" he said smiling

"From my heart to you" he whispered and I couldn't help but blush even though I don't know the status of our relationship right now,

"Thank you" i said touching the bracelet

It was so shiny and i wont be surprised if it was made out of diamonds but come on who am i?

We stayed there for a bit till I started dozing then he escorted me to my room and immediately my head hit the pillow i was off,

I made early breakfast the next morning and around 11 we were off

There was no much convoy today, its just Sultan's limousine and two other cars

About 1 hour into the trip we stopped and a guard rushed to the car i was in,

"His majesty said you should come sit in his car" he said and left immediately

I gently went down and entered the limo sitting uncomfortably

"Relax babe no one is chasing you" he joked

"Here" he handed me a glass of juice I guess

"Thank you" I whispered collecting it from him

"Wow" I mentally said looking at the interior of the car, it was so amazing no wonder he never look exhausted after a trip,

I'm trying so hard to be totally free with him now because I really want to, even though I don't know what the future holds at least for a moment let me be happy,

And that is exactly what i have to do,

I gently drank the juice and rested my back behind the chair,

"Here" he gently said coming close to me to adjust the chair so it could go back and be more comfortable

"Oh! Thank you" I exclaimed

"You're Welcome" he replied adjusting his side to the level of mine too

"What is it?" He asked when he caught me starring at him

"Aa nothing" I replied smiling,

I turned my head to the direction of the movie playing,

I didn't even know when i slept off because the car was so comfortable,

I felt eyes on me when i was about to wake up so I opened my eyes gently to meet Sultan looking at me,

"We're here" he whispered

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now