Chapter 27

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I woke up to the sound rain falling and i was so happy because this was the first time rain is falling since i came to Zaria,

I dressed up and started the house chores before Sultan comes down,

I finished everything and was left with his laundry so i went upstairs opening his room gently being careful not to wake him up

He was still sleeping when i went in so I packed his laundry that were not up to 5 clothes,

I finished washing them and putting them in the drier then I decided to go to the backyard

The rain was so nice and tempting so I didn't know when I started playing with it slowly with my hands then I decided to enter since Sultan is still sleeping so I don't have anything to do for now,

I didn't know how long i stayed in the rain but i felt it stopping so I decided to go in and change so i can check him again and ask him what I should make for breakfast,

I squeezed my wrapper to reduce the amount of water dripping from it, I removed my scarf from my head squeezing it also then i ruffled my hair which was already down and wet,

I dropped my scarf there to dry as I entered through the kitchen smiling taking slow steps so I won't fall down, I opened the door leading to the parlor walking as slow as possible before I instantly froze when i saw sultan sitting on the dining eating an apple,

I nervously smiled and greeted him "barka da safiya your highness"

"Where have you been?" He asked dropping the apple he was chewing

"I....i.....i was in the backyard" i lied, but it wasn't completely a lie

"Hm" he said standing up, he looked at me from head to toe then I nervously looked down because 1-my hair was open and 2-the water on my clothes was already dripping on the tiles,

I waited for him to say what he wanted to but he kept quiet so i had to speak up,

"What would you like me to prepare for breakfast?"

"Um, meatballs?" He asked and I looked at him because his reply was more of a question

"Only? Your highness"

Then he nodded so I started walking back to the kitchen

"You might wanna take those water dripping clothes off, i bet you had fun playing in the rain" he said before I reached the kitchen,

Oh God i was so embarrassed so i nodded and went back to my room to change because everything on me is wet,

I went out immediately after changing, thank God He wasn't in the parlor so I taught he went back to his room but i was wrong because immediately i opened the kitchen door I found him seated on the kitchen island with a glass of orange juice,

I didn't say anything when I entered i just removed the minced meat from the fridge and started preparing the meat balls he asked for,

I finished and was about to take it to the dining when he stopped me

"Im eating here" he said so I gently dropped the plate beside him,

"Is that all?" I asked after dropping it

"Noodles please" he said picking the fork up about to start eating

I rushed and prepared the noodles and dropped it also beside him

"Sit" he ordered pointing to the chair across him

I quickly sat down then he pushed the plate of noodles to my side

"Eat up" he said jot bothering to look at me

I started forcing myself to eat because I wasn't hungry,

Later in the afternoon he said I shouldn't make lunch I should go to Didi she promised him lunch today,

He left his phone on the dining few days later and it started ringing, I checked and saw Haidar's name flashing on the screen I picked it and hurried to take the phone to him but met him at the stairs before I reached up

"Wallahi I forgot" i heard him say to Haidar over the phone

"Do I really have to?" He asked

"Okay I'll see how tomorrow is gonna be" he finally said before hanging up

"Get ready we're traveling tomorrow" he said without waiting for me to say anything and left

"Rude" I mentally said

I packed his clothes that night and by the look of things were not staying long

I packed my own clothes in the suitcase that is now mine,

I didn't get to see Amla throughout today so she didn't know i was traveling,

The next day we didn't leave early in the morning so i got the chance to meet her and tell her

I didn't know where we were going but it looked like we're going back to abuja because i know the road now like the back of my hand

"I cant believe you forgot Yasir's wedding" Haidar said to Sultan immediately he saw him but Sultan just ignored him,

Haidar left moments after we arrived and Sultan laid there in the parlor before his phone rang and he picked,

He spoke for a few seconds mostly with "umm, yes or maybe" then he called my name handing me the phone,

I didn't know why he was giving me but I collected it with both hands before gently placing it on my ears then i heard Mus'ain's voice which made me instantly smiled

"JD" he shouted immediately i said hello

"100 days" he said and I replied with "wlhy, ya london"

Like my confidence find its way out when I'm talking to Mus'ain,

"You still owe me a dinner remember?" He asked and I remembered he promised me that during my birthday but he had something urgent to do in Dubai and we left London before he came back,

"Can't wait to see you"

I just chuckled and he hung up

I think Mus'ain is coming to Nigeria but i wasn't sure because he didn't tell me, i gave Sultan his phone back and I noticed the anger plastered on his face but I ignored,

I saw someone like Ayush through the window the next afternoon but I didn't clearly know if she was the one, i was still thinking when i heard the sound of the doorbell so i went to open it and immediately saw her standing there with her designer bag and shades on her face, thank God her veil was on her head today,

"Good afternoon" I greeted but she didn't reply and just walk past me,

"Abeey" she called out going upstairs I guess she knows his room,

I went back to continued cooking in the kitchen,

She picked the food like a kid and managed to finish just half of it,

"Mama is here too" she blurted and Sultan smiled

I left before he replied but i guess he was following her to her mothers place since after eating they all went out,

Haidar stayed for a bit before he told me he had something to do and he left too,

I made dinner and waited and waited but there was no sign of Sultan so i went to sleep because I didn't know when he was coming back and I wasn't really feeling good,

I woke up the next morning with flu thanks to the rain I played in the other day, I knew i had to pay back

I kept sneezing but I managed to bath with warm water and went out to make breakfast,

I was cleaning the dining table when hands from behind covered my eyes and I gasped a little before i heard the person whispered "JD"

Lemme leave y'all in suspense again
But what do you think??????????
Mr Mus'ain is in Nigeria 😂😂😂

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now