Chapter 20

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A knock woke me up in the morning so I hurried and opened the door, the bed was so soft I didn't want to leave it but who am i?

"Rise and shine sleepy head its 2pm" Mus'ain said walking past me and before I process what was happening he went and fell on my bed

"Is the word privacy not in his dictionary?" I mentally asked myself before I slightly closed the door and faced him before saying "good afternoon ?" Which came out more like a question,

"How did you sleep angel?" He asked sitting down straight

"Alhamdulillah" I replied him covering myself well with the abaya I wore to sleep,

Instantly he grabbed both my hands and started talking again,

"I heard about your amazing cooking skills Miss Jadwa" he started and i raised my eyebrows "seriously?"

"When am I going to testify?" He asked and I kept looking at him before i said "later later"

"Sure sure" he asked and i nodded

"Well let me leave you for now see you downstairs" he said making sure to hug me before leaving

"Nop no privacy in his dictionary"

I closed the door immediately he left and i went and took my bath and came out,

I had no fancy clothes to wear so i wore my regular maid uniform since thats who i am now,

I prayed and went downstairs to hear what i have to do,

Mus'ain dragged me into the kitchen,

"Sultan said y'all came with foodstuffs so you're making an amazing meal Jadwa please" he pleaded opening the fancy cupboard where all the foodstuffs i got were arranged

"Its been forever since i ate my homeland food" he confessed with puppy dog eyes and i nodded and looked at him before asking "what would you like to eat?"

"Can you perhaps make swallow please" He asked joining his palms together meaning he was begging so i said okay

"You can leave now I'll make it" i said as i headed to the fridge to get the ingredients for the soup since i got egusi before coming, among the leaves in the fridge i saw something like spinach but a bigger version so I decided to use it for the soup,

I finished cutting and blending the soup ingredients but the kitchen was too fancy so I didn't even know how to turn on the gas cooker so i had to go and ask him,

"Please can you come and help me turn on the gas" I asked, he was seated on the sofa in the parlor watching this channel about animals holding a bowl of popcorn,

"Gladly" he said getting up and gently placing the bowl on the couch before followed behind me,

He showed me how to turn it on and decided to stay and see how i cook everything but I liked his company because the cupboards were too high for my short stature so he was helping me pick somethings that were too high for me to pick myself,

I finished the soup and decided to make pounded yam since i got the samvita yam flour,

I arranged them gently on the table with bottles of sodas i found in the fridge,

I didn't see or hear sultan's voice since when i came down but I didn't want to ask Mus'ain where he was and as if he was reading my mind he said "Sultan came back tired so you should take his food to his room"

I nodded and served his own taking it gently up the stairs to his own room, I knocked slowly and entered gently greeting him before placing it on the table in front of the bed and I hurried and left,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now