Chapter 48

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45 years ago..................

There lived a young farmer In a very far village of sokoto state,

He has been married for 3 years now but without a child and that is his only problem in life,

Due to that his wife got hypertension because of overthinking and how his family hates her made her become an outcast,

"Sorry Zakiyya everything will be okay Allah knows why we're in this situation and he will find a solution for us very soon stop crying please" he consoled his wife

"Ahmad its not my fault but why is everyone making it look like it is?" She asked wiping her tears

"As long as I don't think its your fault then you have no reason to be worried kinji"

She then nodded and wiped away her tears,

That was their daily routine everyday because of their condition,

"Yauwa now can i eat I really have to go back to the farm you know the market day is almost here" he explained and she got up and came back with with rice for him with mai da yaji

Immediately he finished he went back to the farm and was working till around 6pm, when he saw that it was almost time for magrib he decided to call it a day,

He was about to leave the farm when something caught his eyes so he gently dropped his hoe and went to check,

It was a little girl just waking up from sleep, just at one glance you will know that she doesn't belong to this village, she looked lost, hungry and tired,

"Baiwar Allah" he called looking at the girl but she looked so lost and hungry

"What are you doing here this late?" No reply

"Are you with someone?" No reply

"Are you okay?" Still no reply so he checked around but no one was there so he gently picked her up and took her home

"Ahmad Lafiya?" Zakiyya asked immediately she saw him with a strange child coming in

"Here" he said handing the girl to her "dan Allah give her some water to drink" he ordered and as the good wife she is she rushed and got a bowl full of water for the girl and in an instant she gulped everything down,

"Zakiyya" he called and she answered "Na'am" still starring at the girl she was holding

"I found this poor girl in the farm lost and she cant even talk" he explained

"Did you maybe look around maybe she was with someone?" She asked and he nodded

"I will inform the head of town tomorrow and see maybe someone came looking for her, but she doesn't even like she's from here" he explained

"Gaskiya kuwa Allah ya kaimu goben" she said

"Let me go to the mosque it's almost prayer time" he said getting up

"Clean her up and please give her something to eat"

"In shaa Allah" she said getting up to do what he asked her to,

She tried and tried to talk to the girl but not a single word came out of her mouth so she gave up,

But she instantly feel in live with the little girl, she just wished she was hers,

After she fed the girl tuwo which she ate a little, she put her to bed,

The next day early in the morning before Ahmad went to the farm he took the girl to the palace,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now