Chapter 47

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Here we go as promised kinda


"Daughter?" I asked because i had to

What is happening?

She broke into tears again that i had to go and hug her and lead her to a chair to sit because she look like she was about to fall when she move without support,

I saw a picture of 2 children in her hand wearing the same type of clothe sitting on a royal chair smiling,

"This..... This" she said and kept quiet as if she was finding it hard to make a sentence

"What is happening Zulaiha?" My dad asked

"Mami call Jadwa immediately i have to talk to her" she ordered and Mami left immediately and within 10 minutes she's back with Jadwa who still looks like she has been crying because her eyes were still swollen,

"Barkan ku da zama" she greeted in a very low tone and sat down

"Jadwa" my mum called her name and she replied

"Who are those in the picture i saw you with?" She asked and Jadwa hesitated before replying "they're my parents your highness"

"Here" she said handing Jadwa the picture she was holding and Jadwa looked at it full of surprise,

"You looked exactly like her when you were a baby Jadwa" she said smiling weakly

"What is happening Umma?" I asked and she looked at me and smiled

"Aaban I'm gonna tell you a story, a story buried deep within me for years now that always haunts me when I remember, a story about Zaitoon my designated twin sister"

"Twin?? I don't understand"

Queens pov
45 years ago my mother the queen of jigawa gave birth to me on a Friday morning at 6am, or so i was told,

Immediately she put to bed a news reached her that her sister who was married to the king of hadeja just put to bed few minutes after her but passed away immediately,

It was a very shocking story for them but solution was found,

"I promise to raise these two children as my own flesh and blood, and i promise to raise them as twins and never to tell them they were separately given birth to, i shall take that to my grave" my mum took an oath

"Zulaiha and Zaitoon Abdulsamad" were the names given to us by my mother,

That was how we kept growing together looking slightly alike but i was somehow darker than Zaitoon,

She was a very fragile child and also quiet even though we were so young i still could remember that,

Every night before we sleep my mum would always give us a bath with some herbal water and rub some things I didn't know for us then and we always sleep with Quran recitation played till morning,

It was after i grew up that I realized my aunt, Zaitoon's mother was intentionally killed, they wanted to kill both the mother and daughter but they didn't succeed so they only killed aunty mariya and they swore to never rest till they make Zaitoon disappear forever in the whole of jigawa or in this world even

All what my mother ever did was to find ways to protect Zaitoon and i from the face of the enemies and she did that so well but for just a little time,

I clearly remember this day like it was stored in my brain, it was during a royal event i cant quite remember what it was but people from several emirates came to our palace that time and everyone was busy including my mum,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now