Chapter 39

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Thank you guys so much for the birthday wishes I really appreciate 😘😘😘


Then 7 years later my dad was diagnosed with end stage cancer of the lungs and didn't live for long.............

I told Sultan everything that happened and how I started working here dropping out of school ,

"Thats my story" i said with my voice cracking

"Sorry" i said wiping my tears

"Shhh" Sultan said wiping the tears for me,

"I'm so sorry Jadwa" he whispered

I smiled and nodded

"I've been a complete jack ass to you and for that I'm sorry please forgive me" he pleaded

"Its okay" i said still smiling,

I'm so proud of myself for opening up to someone i find special to me, and also throughout the story I didn't choke on my tears and nether did he say a word,

"You miss Amal koh" he asked and i smiled nodding my head "everyday"

"Do you want to see her?" He asked making my eyes pop out of their socket

"I wish I could" I whispered

"I can take you" He blurted, I chuckled a little bit

"Even in my dreams I don't want to see Aunty Salma, not that I haven't forgiven her i have, but...."

"I understand sweetie take your time" he said holding my hand

"People can be cruel Jadwa, we all have a scar we're afraid to show the world" he stated

"Do you know that I'm a mystery child?" He asked smiling back

"Mystery?" I asked

"Yes J"

"Lots of evil has been plotted against me but as the mystery child i am, none of them got me"

"Evil?" I asked again because I'm not understanding

"God your energy makes me want to tell you things"

"Then tell me" I blurted surprised at myself

"Jadwa Jadwa Jadwa" he called smiling

"Okay let me tell you the story of how Aaban Musaddiq survived till today"

"Aaban?" I asked as if I didn't know that's his name

"C'mon Jadwa I have plenty names" he jokingly said

"Its a similar story to yours Jadwa, only that I'm the target here"

I kept quiet waiting for him to lead the way because i was so anxious to know about him........

"Every king needs a heir to the throne so when it was taking so long for my dads wives to produce a male child, the king married my mother and her first pregnancy she got me and for some unknown reason she lost the ability to even get pregnant again,"

"Her co wives never hide the fact that they hated her so my mother know how to keep her distance for the safety of herself and also me,

When i turned 2, Umma Laraba the second wife started coming close to my mother trying to gain her trust which in some way happened because my mother is a working woman so instead of baby sitters and all she taught leaving me with Umma Laraba was the best choice, besides she's also my mother,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now