Chapter 6

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"What is she doing in my room?" I asked immediately I entered my mum's chambers

I didn't even care about the people around because I don't know what the hell they always do there

She whispered something to them and like flies they started leaving one by one

She looked up at me and gave me a warm smile, the only smile in this entire world that makes me calm

She patted a space on her chair directing me to come and sit down,

I removed and shoes and went close to her,

I removed my cap and knelt to receive her blessings, she gently held my head with her soft hands gently praying for me before pecking my forehead,

I got up and sat close to her,

She turned and faced me gently grabbing both my hands and then she looked into my eyes,

" 'Dan Albarka" she said gently

"Whats wrong?" She asked and i was about to talk when she raised my hand used her index finger to shush me

"Deep breaths" she said

God does she know how to calm me down

"What is she doing in my room?" I asked her quietly

"She's your new maid Sultan" she said putting a grape fruit into her mouth

"Why didn't i know about her?"

"You know how they all used to turn out ummah"

"Is it necessary?"

"One question at a time my baby" she said

"I choose her myself and I promise you she's different" she said patting my head

"No one can hurt you Aaban my angel, my prayer is always with you"  she said using her thumb to massage my handp

"Let's do a proper introduction koh?" She asked and i nodded

Whatever mood i am either sad or angry, Ummah is my happiness stimulator

She was there for me when no one was, and I listen to whatever she says because i have no other way to repay what she's done for me in this dunya,

Since she cant get rid of the girl, i have to make her get rid of herself


"Jadwa" Mami called and I smiled and greeted her

"Good afternoon Mami"

"Jadwa" she said looking at my eyes

"Lafiya?" She asked and i nodded

"Kai na ne ke ciwo" i said which isn't completely a lie

"Sannu kinji, muje idan muka fito ki tsaya zan baki magani"

I nodded and followed her

We entered and i saw him with a wide smile plastered on his face,

This is the first day I've ever seen him smile which was for few seconds because immediately he saw me and Mami coming in he returned his normal emotionless face,

"Good afternoon your highness" i said kneeling down

"Jadwa koh?" She asked

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now