Chapter 32

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I just finished cooking lunch on Friday and Sultan went for prayers,

I was arranging the table when i heard the doorbell so I hurried and opened it,

It was the other girl that sultan scolded me about when I allowed her into his room and as usual she came with her arrogant attitude,

"Sannu" i said but she said nothing she just entered and kicked off her shoes aside and sat down,

"His majesty went to pray, can i get you anything?" I asked and again she said nothing

"Yaya" she said getting up immediately she saw him

"Halima" he called with a straight face and walked past her

"Good afternoon" she greeted and followed behind him

"Welcome back your highness" i said as I followed to serve him his food

"What should i serve you?" I asked the halima and she eyed me before said "I have hands you know"

Sultan looked at her and continued eating,

She asked for juice and she didn't specify the flavor so i got cocktail for her and immediately she took a sip she started scolding me,

"Couldn't you at least ask me what I wanted?"

"I'm sorry" i said trembling then she hissed and said "sorry for yourself filthy maid"

Sultan immediately stopped her "excuse me Halima, you have no right to come into my house and act like you own it, don't forget shes a human being just like you"

"I'm sorry yaya i was just in a bad mood"

"Get out" he ordered and she flinched a little before getting up

"Yaya you're throwing me out because of this thing?"

"You're the only one that i still allow into my home and you come in and act all superior, so listen and listen to me carefully, I don't want to see your legs here ever again"

"Do i make myself clear?" He asked and she wiped the tears that rolled down her cheeks and said "okay"

She eyed me before picking her bags and left,

His sister we met in Abuja the other day came to Zaria, I didn't know till the next day when i went to spend some time with Didi since Sultan went to the office today,

"Good afternoon Didi, good afternoon Gimbiya Hanny" I greeted them both,

Didi was holding Farrah and Hanny was seated on the rester eating almonds,

"Sannu da zuwa Jadwa" Didi said playing with Farrah

"Jadwa" Hanny said smiling,

"I wanted to come to your side" she said collecting Farrah to feed

"Allah sarki akwai gajiya" i managed to say

"Eh wlhy, Farrah likes you so I wanted to drop her off, i came for a friends wedding" she said and i nodded

"Ba damuwa Gimbiya Hanny"

"I'll bring her later before I leave for the dinner, I'll pick her when I'm back"

"Allah ya kaimu" i said

"How much are you paying her?" Didi joked and we all laughed

I stayed and massaged Didi and even cooked for Hanny before leaving

"Till you come" i said to Hanny and hugged Didi "good night Didi"

I went back and warmed the remaining pepper soup i made since I didn't eat well the other time,

Sultan came back and immediately went upstairs so I waited for him to come down so i can ask him what to cook,

I decided to use the time and make some smoothies, i was pouring them into the containers when he came into the kitchen

"Hi Jadwa" he said sitting on the kitchen island

"Welcome back your highness" i said dropping a cup of smoothie for him

"Thank you" he whispered before picking the cup

"What would you like for dinner?" I asked looking sideways

"Anything fast I'm hungry"

So I hurried and made macaroni pepper soup for him, he ate there in the kitchen and even after eating he didn't leave,

I washed the plates and turned to see him sitting there on his phone,

He wore a grey sweatpant and a white polo shirt, he looked so handsome its as if every day his beauty is increasing,

I looked away immediately our eyes met and the doorbell sound saved me,

"Sannun ku" i said collecting Farrah from her and holding her well before collecting the baby bag,

"Is sultan in?" She asked and i nodded and shifted for her to come in before i closed the door,

She entered with her amazing walking step, it was after I looked at her again that i saw how beautiful she looked with her make up on, she was wearing a golden ball gown with golden head and shoes,

"Yaya Hanny" he called

"When did you come?"

"Yesterday wlhy, Afra is getting married" she said

"I'm leaving Farrah here with Jadwa I'll pick her up when I'm back" she said before pecking farrahs forehead


I gently dropped the baby bag on the couch then I started playing with her earning some baby giggles,

I sat us down on the carpet and Sultan sat there changing channels then he came across a cartoon channel and left it there,

I turned Farrah to the tv side pointing at the tv then playing with her cheeks,

About an hour later i fed her the milk Hanny left and she took it and started sleeping so I gently laid her down on the small couch seating beside her,

"Is she asleep already?" Sultan asked without looking at our direction

"Yes" i said and we continued watching the cartoon

It was already 12 and Hanny is still not back so when i went to read Sultan his book I gently dropped Farrah beside him and he shifted as if he was scared of crushing the little baby,

I finished and picked her up and we went back to my room, about an hour later Hanny came and picked her up

"Thank you Jadwa, can I bring her tomorrow afternoon?" She asked and i smiled and said "its okay"

I went back and immediately my head touched the pillow I drifted off to sleep,

Hanny brought Farrah back the next afternoon and I dropped her in the parlor and went to the kitchen to do somethings

"Jadwa she's crying" Sultan called and I hurried and went to see how he was looking at her like a pot of hot water than I remembered the day Hanny teased him that he still cant hold a baby,

I gently picked her up and chuckled then i started rocking her slowly till she kept quiet,

After Hanny picked farrah I went back inside thinking of what to do,

I sat on the kitchen island dozing and immediately fell down when I opened my eyes and saw 2 bright eyes looking at me

"Sorry i scared you" he immediately said helping me up

I chuckled because the situation was so weird and funny

He chuckled too and we both sat on the island,

"Don't tell me you're still scared of the IT we watched the other day" he asked

"Noooo" i lied "i was just caught off guard"

"He chuckled and stood up to leave"

"Scary cat" he said and closed the kitchen door

Ship going down soon

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