Chapter 12

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Its been a week since Sultan raised his voice at me,

We don't talk either, i just go in and do what I'm supposed to do and leave,

The only time we communicate is when i go to ask what he wanted to eat and thats it,

Even after the get together he still doesn't eat any food apart from the one i cook,

It was Saturday so i was rushing to get dressed and leave our chambers because it's almost 8 in the morning,

"Good morning Mami" I greeted her when i saw her coming out of Sultan's parlor

"Jadwa Yauwa welcome, i was about to send for you" she said holding my hand leading both of us inside

"Lafiya?" I asked her because she was looking so worried and somehow disorganized

"Ba Lafiya Jadwa Sultan is sick"

I was so surprised because when i left him yesterday he was okay,

"Subhanallah" i said "what happened?"

"Its his seizure, he was unconscious yesterday night he recovered this morning but he's having severe fever now"

She took a deep breath and continued,

"The doctor just left and he told him to try and eat something but he refused to eat anything" I waited for her to continue

"Can you prepare anything you think he will like please? He's on medication so he needs food" with that said i just nodded and went to the kitchen contemplating on what to cook for him,

He seems to like all the food I usually cook so I don't have a specific thing to cook,

After rounding the kitchen looking for what to make, I finally decided to make potato porridge with liver for him since it's fever,

I then made hibiscus tea for him and carefully took it to his room,

I gently placed the tray on the bedside table and hurried to greet the queen

"Good morning your highness" she then smiled "Jadwa sannu" she said still counting on the tasbih in her hand,

She looked like she slept here,

Sultan was laying helplessly on the bed with an iv cannula on his hand,

I stood for few seconds then I decided to leave and continue working,

I finished and didn't know what to do so I decided to go and check on Sultan,

"You can pack the dishes Jadwa" Mami said and i did,

He drank half of the tea and a little portion of the porridge,

I went back to ask what everyone else would like to eat because it was 12 already and no one took breakfast yet and it's almost lunch time,

"Salamualaikum" i said as I opened the door

I heard whispers of "wa'alaikumussalam" and I entered and knelt down on the carpet,

Mami was sitting on the carpet and Sultan's mum was on the bed side rubbing his hair,

"Sannun ku da zama" i said and they nodded

I asked and Mami said i can leave it because they will soon leave but the queen said that i can prepare anything edible,

I taught she would like varieties but by the looks of things she is not so calm,

"Jadwa" Mami called as she entered the kitchen

"Her highness is so worried about Sultan because it has been long since his last attack and she didn't get a glimpse of sleep since yesterday night" Mami said sitting on the chair by the kitchen counter

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now