Hot Head

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"Relax everything will be fine" Andi said nervously as we looked at the busy section in the front of the school.

"You know I heard high school kids eat you"

"Sh-shut up Jonah"

"Boo!" I felt someone grab me from my waist behind and I let out a small yelp.

"Please don't eat me!"

"What are you talking about?" I recognized the familiar soft and sweet voice and then was greeted by a kiss on the cheek. I blushed a light pink color as Tj smiled.

"So you guys excited for your first day of high school!?" Tj put an exciting tone in his voice and bunched Andi, Buffy, Jonah, Amber, and I in a tight hug.

"Ew, you sound like a cringy dad" Buffy teased as Tj let us go. He held my hand and we all started to walk inside. The hallway was a decent size with lockers covering both sides along with classroom doors. As we walked past Tj and I got the usual faces of disgust and awe.

"Why are you so happy about school?" Jonah asked in a tired voice. His he had bags under his eyes and he walked sorta like a zombie.

"Wel, new school new experiences and the old ones go a" A large adorable smile grew on Tj's face as he kissed me with his soft plump lips.

"Jonah, why do you look dead?" Amber asked poking his arm.

"My baby brother cried the whole night so I got basically no sleep" He yawned and squinted his eyes.

"Here you gonna need this more than me" Buffy handed Jonah her Iced coffee and he grabbed it and began drinking.

"Hey Muffin what's your locker number?" I looked down at my schedule and scanned the paper for my locker number.

"415, You?"


"Yay, you're next to me" We all stopped and Tj looked over to a locker.

"Well, this one is mine which makes this one yours" He put his hand on the baby blue locker next to him and smiled.

"Well guys let's go find our lockers," Andi said with a smile on her face.

"See you two love birds later"

"See ya later" I turned to my locker putting in the combo and opening it first try. I looked over at Tj struggling to open his locker and chucked at the frustrated expression on his face.

"Want me to try?"

"Please" Tj moved over to the side and I stepped in front of the baby blue locker.

"What's your combo?"

"Ten, twenty-five, three"

"Hey cutie" A dirty blonde haired girl wearing sweatpants and a black tank top stepped in front of me and approached Tj. I furrowed my brows in anger at a loss for words. Tj pushed the girl aside and embraced me in a passionate kiss grabbing my butt. I couldn't help but blush a bright red color and kiss back.

"Hi I'm Tj"

"That wasn't needed," the girl said under her breath walking away with a look of disgust.

"You're so extra"

"What your the only person I want calling me cutie" Tj read his locker combination to me again and I opened it."Thanks, muffin"

"Well we should probably get to algebra"

"Yeah, don't wanna be late our first day"

"You never told me how you convinced the guidance counselor to switch some of your classes to mine" Tj and I began walking to class.

"Well it took a long conversation and a twenty-dollar bill"

"Is that legal?" I asked letting out a small chuckle.

"Anything's legal when it comes to love" He replied making me cringe.

"Ew that's so cheesy"

"You love it" Tj and I approached the open classroom door and walked in. The room was a little loud with kids sitting on desk conversing with each other. Tj and I went to the back and sat at the two free seats.

"Hey isn't that, that gay kid?" I heard someone whisper from the front of the room. I rolled my eyes and slumped down in my chair as the teacher walked in.

"Alright class take your seats and settle down I'm Mr.Wax your algebra teacher for the year" He spent some time class was talking about what the plans are for the year and boring stuff. "Alright so let's get to know each other say anything you would like to share about yourself starting with you in the back" The teacher pointed to Tj.

"Do I have to?"

"I would prefer if you did"

"Isn't like babyish?" Someone added in. The teacher rolled his eyes and looked back at Tj. Tj let out a small sigh and began talking.

"Hi my name is Tj I like basketball, scary movies, and dirt biking I guess" Tj shrugged his shoulders and the teacher gave him a slight smile.

"Alright next" most of the people put there eye's on me making me a tad bit nervous.

"H-hi I'm Cyrus and I like the spoon, chocolate chocolate chip muffins and hanging out with my friends"

"He also likes boys" A kid blurted out which was followed by laughter. I shrunk it to my seat my face red from embarrassment.

"And I like beating up people who bother my boyfriend" Tj blurted out to the guy that made fun of me.

"Cool it hot head!" The class got silent and I looked back at Tj giving a death stare to the kid who said it.

"Alright boys settle down that was very inappropriate for the both of you I don't want stuff like this to happen again understand?"

"Yeah" Tj muttered underneath his breath letting out a sigh of anger.

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