A Small Tale Of Three

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(So I'm not back I just wanted to give you guys a shirt little chapter so you know I didn't give up on this story)

I snuggled into Tj's chest as the light hit my face.

"Morning sunshine" He pulled me closer kissing my neck. He slowly sat up and I whined not wanting him to let go.

"You want pancakes for breakfast love?"

"Yes please" I responded kissing him. After eating breakfast with Tj we sat on his couch and watched tv.

"Hey so do you want to go to the Halloween thing on Friday?" I asked.

"I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to help me take some of the kids from the gym trick or treating"

"Yeah sure, who?"

"James, Erick and Caroline"

"Alright sounds good"

"I think I'm gonna be Frankenstein" Tj said making me chuckle.


"It's funny, you're going to dress up as someone smarter than you" I joked. He punched my shoulder playfully leaning into a kiss.

"Well tell me what your going to be"

"Old school Mario"

"Then maybe I should be Yoshi"

"Why is that?"

"Cause Mario loves to ride Yoshi" I blushed hard at the dirty joke laughing a bit.

"Last night was um" I felt my face heat up as I was struggling to think of something to say.

"Amazing" Tj said under his breath causing me to blush even more.

"I love you Tj"

"I love you too Cy, a d last night felt really special I'm glad my first time was with you" He blushed a light red color as he spoke.

"M-me to" He wrapped his hands around my waist and I leaned in giving him a kiss.


Amber and I were in the front of the spoon putting up Halloween decorations.

"Booo I'm a ghost" Amber said holding up a sign with a ghost cut out.

"Ahh please don't haunt me" I said jokingly.

"Where should I put this ghost?"

"In the middle of the zombies"

"Hey, do you think I would be a cute witch?" Amber asked wrapping her arms around me.

"You would make a cute anything" I giggled as she kissed my cheek.

"Thanks, so Andi you and I have been going out for a while now"

"Yeah it's been an amazing two months" I blushed a light pink.

"Andi what I'm trying to say is I-I I love you" My eyes widen when she said those words and I could feel butterflies fill my stomach. She smiled slightly moving a strand of hair from her face.

"I love you too" I said nervously before Amber attacked me with a kiss. This was our first time saying that we loved each other and it made me extremely happy and nervous. She kissed me again on the cheek. We continued to decorate the spoon Amber flirting with me more than ever.


I was in the bathroom looking in the mirror trying to hold back my tears. I took my meds and hot tears ran down my cheeks.

"What's wrong with me?" I felt so alone and broken. I began to cry even harder and slammed my fist on the counter.

"Jonah are you ready to go?"

"Ye-yeah!" I wiped the tears from my face and put on a fake smile. I walked out of the bathroom and before I knew it, we were at the therapist office.

"Hello Jonah it's nice to see you again"

"Hello Ms. Baker"

"Hi" Later down on the couch.

"So anything new happening in life" she asked pulling out a notebook.

"My friend win his basketball game"

"You know Jonah for the past two weeks it's always been about your friends, why don't we talk about you"

"There's nothing new" I lied giving a fake smile.

"Jonah you know every time you lie you cross your feet" I let out a sigh uncrossing my feet.

"Lately I haven't been feeling ok at all, every day I look in the mirror and I don't see myself I see a broken-down person" I said sitting up.

"Is that all Jonah?"


"What else is there?"

"I don't know"

"Jonah whatever you say stays here unless it's harmful"

"I don't want to be this person anymore! I want to be the old me, I'd rather have my panic attacks then have to keep taking these meds they make me feel so-so helpless and so broken"

In Your Eyes (sequel to Fallen For You)  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now