Problems That Stack

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(Sorry I didn't post sooner but the 2 new episodes had me shook Kira can just like get hands you know but I'm not in the show so like Disney hire me

Anyway enjoy and also thank you, everyone, for 118 reads so far love you all now enjoy this chapter <3)

Andi, Buffy, Jonah, Tj, and I were sitting in a booth at the spoon enjoy baby taters and telling jokes. It felt kinda weird because Tj was sitting next to Andi instead of me and Jonah was sitting next to me with Buffy at the end.

"You guys want anything else?" Amber asked smiling at us.

"Can I have another vanilla shake please?" Andi smiled blushing a bit.

"I need some air, Andi come with me"

"Okay?" We went outside Andi having a questioning look on her face.

"Do you like Amber?"

"What no" She laughed nervously blushing.

"Andi, you were giving her the same look I gave Tj when I liked him"

"Fine, I think I do. When I'm around her I feel like how I do with Jonah only better"


"You can't tell anyone"

"Ok, it's just Jonah came to me crying yesterday"

"I feel so bad what should I do?"

"I have no clue" she sighed and embraced me in a hug.

"Promise you'll help me"

"I promise"

"Thanks, Cy" Andi and I went back inside and for the rest of the time we were there the small bit of weirdness and tension had been lifted. After a while, Buffy And Tj had left for some basketball meeting so it was just Andi, Jonah, and I were just eating in silence.

"I ended things between us because I think I like Amber I'm sorry" Andi blurted out holding my hand hard as Jonah smiled lightly.

"That's why?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I just couldn't see a wa-"

"No apology needed" Andi got up going to the bathroom leaving me and Jonah.

"So are you gonna be ok?" I asked Jonah softly making him respond with a slight smile.

"Yeah, I think..." He gave me another sweet smile. After we paid for our food Jonah and I went to his house and played Jenga.

"Pick that one" Jonah pointed to one of the blocks.

"Now it's going to fall"

"No, it won't" I carefully poked at the block until it fell out and the tower stayed up.

"Told you" A door slammed in the background as Jonah's parents argued. He sighed closing his door and sitting back down.

"What's going on?" I asked concerned.

"They have been fighting for the last two weeks"


"It seems like something different every time..." The yelling continued and Jonah let out a sigh he got up and began to play music from a speaker.

"Let's continue" Jonah smiled lightly sitting back down and I couldn't help but feel bad. Jonah had just gotten a problem sorted and another has been going on.

"Hey, Jonah are you ok?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just asking just know I'm here to talk about anything"

"Thanks, Cy guy"

~(Later At Cyrus's House)~

I was laying in my bed listening to music when I heard ringing from my laptop. I opened it and saw that Tj was video calling me. I answered and saw him checking his hair in the camera.

"What are you doing?" I asked giggling a small bit.

"Oh um, nothing" He stammered a little bit as I chuckled.

"So what happened when me and Buffy left?"

"Oh, nothing we just ate then left" I lied.

"So how was the meeting?" I asked changing the subject before Tj could ask anything else.

"It was good minus the people staring part, on the bright side tryouts start Monday so I'm working out all weekend"

"Well good luck"

"How about you work out with me?"

"Nope not a chance lover boy"

~(The Next Day At Tj's House)~

"I can't believe that I let you talk me into this" I took a breath between each word.

"Come on we only ran like half a mile"

"I'm tired and sweaty"

"That means it's working" I groaned opening my water bottle and taking a long drink.

"Can we be done for today please"

"Fine but first" Tj opened his arms walking toward me.

"No no no no!" He embraced me in a tight hug pinning my hands to my side.

"Ewww your all stinky and sweaty stop!" He squeezed harder making me groan. We went back inside and both took showers and now we were cuddling watching T.v.

"Guess what"


"I love you" I giggled a small bit as I kissed Tj's cheek thanking him for the comment.

"Hey do you think I'll make the team?"

"Yeah you're one of the the best basketball players I know"

"Me and Buffy are the only basketball players you know"

"Which makes both of you the best, But I all seriousness yes I think you'll make the team they would be idiots to not to chose you"

"Thanks" Tj blushed a bit kissing me our lips not parting. He ran his fingers through my hand and with his other hand wrapping it around my waist.

"We should probably start walking to the kid's gym" I managed to let out as Tj passionately kissed me between every other word.

"Yeah probably" He got up and put his shoes on as I did the same. Before walking out the room door he grabbed my but making me blush a little.

"Nice butt cutie" He teased.

"Stop it Kippen" I joked making him laugh a small bit.

"Alright Mom were going to work now!"

"Alright be safe!" She answers back. Tj and I began our walk-in comfortable silence.

"So why do you have to workout and tryout for the team now if the season isn't until next month?" I asked making small talk tired of the silence.

"To get is prepared I guess"

"Move it fag" Some guy bumped into my shoulder hard.

"Why don't you watch it!" Tj yelled back at him.

"Just leave it alone Teej"

"What you say?"

"You heard me" Tj let go of my hand and clenched it in his fist and I grabbed it and he looked at me his facial emotion changed. He huffed turned around walking away me trailing behind him.

In Your Eyes (sequel to Fallen For You)  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now