Am I?

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(I am truly sorry if this chapter is bad)

I quickly closed the window waving bye to Reed. I brushed my teeth a quickly headed downstairs.

"So how was the party?"

"It was um good" I took a bite of my pancakes.

"Did you drink?" My mom asked as I took a sip of my orange juice.

"No" I lied chuckling a bit.

"Was it fun?"


~(Next Day At School)~

"Hey what's up Cy" Reed said as he came from behind me ruffling up my hair.


"So are you mad at Tj?"

"Why would I be mad?" I raised my eyebrow as he lost his smile. He didn't respond to me and kept walking.

"Why would I be mad Reed?"

"Because Tj-" He whispers the rest of his words under his breath.

"This isn't funny tell me"

"Because a girl kissed him at the party" I took me a second to process what he said. I felt so hurt from hearing those words. My first class was math and I knew it was gonna be hard to even look at Tj. He waved at me smiling and all I did was look away.

"Why wouldn't he tell me?" Questions began to flow through my head that I'd never even thought I would ask myself. The bell rang and I went over to Tj.

"Hey can we um talk"

"About what muffin?"

"I was hoping in private"

"Oh, alright" Tj and I walked outside and the room and went to the courtyard.

"Is everything ok muffin?"

"Why didn't you tell me some girl kissed you at the party?" I spat out.

"Well um, I just forget about it and she was drunk it doesn't matter"

"What do you mean it doesn't matter? some girl kissed you and you didn't tell me!"

"She was drunk, she didn't even know what she was doing"

"You still should have told me!"

"Well, you should have told me that I stress you out so much but no, you had to ignore me for a whole day!"

"That is not fair!" I stormed off ignoring the tears filling my eyes. Even though I felt sad I was also angry at Tj. The bell rang a little before I got to history and when I walked in, I quickly took my seat and put my head down.

"What's wrong Cy?" I looked over to see Jonah with a worried face.

"Tj and I got in a fight," I said softly.

"Oh I'm sorry, wanna talk about it?"

"Can I come over to your house after school?"

"Yeah sure anything for you to be not sad"

"Thanks, what are you doing here by the way?"

"Oh well my teacher switched me to honors history"

"Oh" I responded pulling out my textbook.

"Yeah, guess guys wearing powdered wigs are my thing" I chuckled at his joke and then our teacher spoke.

"Alright, class today I'm assigning you a two-person assignment do Wednesday it will be on the Atlantic Slave Trade. Once the papers got passed to me I looked over at Jonah who gave a sweet smile back.



~(After School)~


"How was your day?" My mom asked as I stepped into the car.

"Terrible" I responded looking out the window.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I could feel my dad looking back at me.


"Alright" He responder quietly patting my leg.

"Hey so your meeting is today instead of this Sunday Tj"

"Do I really have to go?" I huffed.

"Yes, love is it really that bad?"

"No," I said under my breath. The car ride was silent and somewhat uncomfortable. After we had finally arrived at the building I stepped out as my parents told me they would wait outside.

"Hello, Tj" I waved back at the group sitting down.

"So Tj why don't you start us off and talk about your day"

"I have to?"

"No, but we all would prefer If you did"

"Fine, My day was terrible me and Cyrus got into a fight"

"And Cyrus is?" Jill asked.

"My boyfriend" I answered. Jill was the only person that had actually talked to me ever since I joined the group.

"What was the argument about?" Erick the mentor of the group asked.

"Some random girl kissed me and I pushed her off and he was mad I didn't tell him"

"Why didn't you?"

"Because she didn't know what she was doing it didn't matter"

"Well if that happened to my boyfriend and he didn't tell me I would be pretty pissed" Jill added.

"He started to yell at me and I yelled back then he stormed off" I paused realizing how it sounded when I said it. "He stormed off because I brought up something I said I wasn't mad about"

"So are you mad at him Tj?" Jill asked me giving me a caring look.

"Am I mad at him?"

(Again I'm so sorry if this was bad)

In Your Eyes (sequel to Fallen For You)  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now