It's A Custom Quote

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(This chapter is a little short and sorry for any like wonky stuff my Grammarly is messing up so yeah I fixed as much as I could see)

Jonah and I had just arrived at his house and we were sitting in the room working on our history project. We decided to do a very decorative timeline. I looked down at my phone after feeling it vibrate.

Can we talk

"Who is it?" Jonah asked looking up at me.

"Tj" I sighed fidgeting with the marker in my hand.

"Are you gonna text back"

"Should I?, I'm still mad"

"When we were waking you said you were just mad at him a little"

"I am, it's just I'm madder about what he said"

I turned off my phone and continued to work on the project. I looked over at his nightstand and notice some medication bottles. I bit my lip before asking the question.

"So um, why do you have that medication on your dresser?" I asked in curiosity biting my lip.

"Can you um... promise you won't tell anyone" I put my pinky out giving him a sweet trusting smile.

"I've been going to the doctor and since there put me on antidepressant and anxiety stuff"

"Oh" I responded softly looking away.

"But hey, I feel better than ever!" Jonah said enthusiastically lightning up the mood. After a couple of more minutes, we had finished the project and were playing Mario Kart.

"That's three in a row"

"How are you so good?" Jonah asked laughing.

"How are you so bad?" I responded sarcastically shoving him a little.

"This game is stupid ghost, can't drive go-karts"

"Well I should head home now"

"Want me to walk you?"

"It's fine, you don't have to"

"Alright Cy, get home safe" I gave Jonah a smile and left reaching my house after about ten minutes. Now I was just sitting on the couch watching Tv with my dad while my mom was cooking dinner.

"Hey, Dad?"


"Has mom ever gotten mad at you?"

"Yeah, plenty of times" He chuckled.

"Have you ever gotten mad at her?"

"Did you and Tj get in a fight?" He turned down the tv and faced me.

"Yeah," I said quietly trailing off my words.

"What about?"

"I'd rather not say"

"Well alright, are you mad at him?"


"I'm guessing your mad at something he said or did then" I nodded my head laying down on the couch.

"I want to talk to him but at the same time I don't, it's confusing".

"Well the best thing is to talk to him, the right thing is always the hardest or the most confusing"

"Where did you hear that from?" I chuckled.

"Nowhere, it's a custom quote" He responded ruffling my hair.

~(The Next Day)~

During lunch, I looked over at Tj who was eating while Reed and some other people.

"Are you gonna talk to him?" Buffy asked me.

"Yeah" I stood up and sat right back down, something taking over me.

"I can't I'm still mad"

"You know you won't stop being mad until you actually talk to him" Amber added in.

"I will today, just not now" I sighed, resting my head on the palm of my hand.

"Anything new with you guys?" Jonah asked poking my face making me chuckle.

"Buffy has a crush" Everybody turned their attention to Buffy after Andi said those words. Curiosity hit all our faces until she responded.

"Fine I'll talk, there's this cute guy named Marty and he asked me out on a date"

"You didn't tell me that part!"

"You were to busy squealing like a hamster free I said the word crush plus it's not that big of a deal"

"If it's not that big of a deal why are you blushing," I asked laughing a bit.

"Jonah may be between us but I can still kick you" Buffy began to kick only managing to hit Jonah's leg.

"Hey fag boy" I turned around sighing looking behind me at the same group of kids that always called me that.

"Do you even know my name?"

"I don't need to"

"What's the matter your queer boyfriend not hear to protect you?" Buffy started to get up out of her seat.

"Relax it's fine" I turned back around and continued to eat my pizza. Before he grabbed it throwing it on the ground.

"What's your problem?" I stood up him backing up a little.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He said as he shoved me back on the ground.

"Don't touch him" I heard Tj say as Jonah got up helping me off the ground. Tj pushed the kid and before I knew it they were fighting.

"Tj stop!" I said trying to avoid tears filling my eyes. Some teachers cane rushing over breaking up the fight taking them both to the office.

In Your Eyes (sequel to Fallen For You)  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now