Bad Ass

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We quickly rushed upstairs running to the bathroom. When we reached there Reed began to throw up in the toilet.

"This is so gross I'm gonna go before I throw up," Jonah said leaving closing the door behind him.

"Hey guy?"

"Yes Reed"

"I was the one to tell Cyrus to ignore you today he said that you stress him out so much along with everyone else"

"He did"

"Yeah something about him having to deal with everyone else's problems he doesn't have time to deal with his own" Reed threw up again. Does Cy really feel like that. Maybe it is too much stress for him. The door crept open and Cyrus came in closing the door behind him.

"Jonah told me you were here how's he doing" He sat on the edge of the bathtub.

"He's doing ok"


"Hey do I really stress you out with my problems?" I blurted out regretting my words.


"Reed told me why you didn't text all day"

"Sorry other guy" Reed threw up again."I don't remember eating turkey"

"The truth is yes"

"Then why did you just talk to me and everyone else!" I raised my voice a bit"

"I-I don't know don't yell at me"

"I'm not yelling!" I listen to myself realizing I was.

"I-I'm sorry muffin it just hurts that you didn't come to me I mean we tell each other basically everything.

"I love you Tj"

"I love you to" I kissed him on his soft lips making him giggle.

"Your breath smells like vodka" I laughed as he blushed out of embarrassment.

"S-shut up"

"Aww can I get a kiss" Reed said slurring his words. Not until you eat a whole bunch of mints lover boy.

"Hey guys there are flashing lights outside" We looked outside and saw a cop car coming toward the house.

"Oh no we gotta get the others come on Reed" We all got up and ran downstairs.

"Hey everyone cops are coming!" Me and Cyrus both yelled and everyone began to leave and panic.

"Where's everyone else?" I looked around scanning the room"

"I think there outside guy" Reed pointed to all of them outside with Andi and Jonah playing beer pong with Jonah watching. We quickly ran to them and told them to come on.

"What's going on?" Andi asked as the cop siren beeped.

"Come on we got to go" We all began to run laughing.

~(A Couple Of Minutes Later)~


After running for a bit we all stopped out of breath.

"Guys, Reed is peeing on someone's lawn" Andi said.

"We can't take him home his parents will kill him"

"He could stay at my place" I said looking over at him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah it's just a matter of sneaking him upstairs it's twelve so my parents are probably sleeping.

"Well everybody take some gum Tj, Cy and Reed I have Axe cologne. Buffy and Andi, I have perfume so my mom doesn't ask questions since you guys are sleeping over" Tj and I both have her a questioning look.

"What if you were smart you would of planned stuff out"

"Well that's Amber"

~(At Cyrus's House)~

Reed began stumbling up the steps and I looked back at him.

"Shhhhh" He shushed me back.

"Cyrus is that you?" I heard my dad ask.


"Come tell me how was your first high school party"

"I will tomorrow I'm so exhausted from dancing and everything"

"Alright get some sleep" After sneaking Reed into my room I slowly closed the door. I went to the bathroom and changed into some shorts and a shirt Tj had given me.

"Alright Reed it's time to go to sleep"

"Shhh" He said making me giggle. He began to take his clothes off and was in nothing but his boxer.

"What are you doing?!"

"It's hot guy"

"Put your pants back on"

"Your no fun, I'm keeping my shirt off"

"Ok" I sighed turning off my light and slowly drifting to sleep.

~(The Next Morning)~

I yawned rubbing my arms feeling arms wrapped around me. I quickly shot out of bed seeing a shirtless Reed and he did the same.

"S-sorry" Reed said putting his shirt on.

"It's um fine"

"Did we...?"

"No no no no god no"


"My head hurts"

"Yeah me to, I'll go get us some aspirin or something" I went to the bathroom getting aspirin for Reed and I.

"My mom is probably freaking out"

"Don't worry I texted her and told her that you were sleeping over"

"Lying to an adult your such a badass" Reed punched my shoulder taking the aspirin me doing the same.

"Alright, you gotta sneak out the window. Tj climbs that tree sometimes" I pointed to a tree outside my window.

"Oooo So he sneaks in your room?" Reed raised his eyebrows.

"Shut up and go" I scoffed cracking a smile.

"Cy breakfast" My dad called from downstairs.


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