Untill The End Part 1

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(Sorry for not updating don't hate me)


"Cy, did you hear that?"

"Go back to sleep Tj it was nothing" It was my first time camping and even though we were right next to the cabin I was still a little frightened.

"What if there's a bear"

"Tj it's not"

"I can't sleep," I said and Cyrus sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Alright come here" He whispered in a sleepy voice. I put my head in his lap and he began to run his fingers through my hair. I looked up at him and even though it was dark, I could see his cute smile that made everything better.

"It's just owls and stuff nothing to worry about scaredy-cat" He joked kissing my forehead.

"What time is it?"

"One" He responded after looking down at his phone.

"You know I'm usually the paranoid one" Cyrus joked as he kissed me again. I sat up one again and began to kiss Cyrus attacking his neck with small kisses.

"Stop" He whispered trying not to laugh.

"You know you love my kisses" He didn't say anything instead he leaned into me kissing me slow.

"I hate you" He whispered giggling as I wrapped my hand around his waist pulling him closer to me. Every time we kissed it felt like heaven, it felt like I was in a cloud that was made out of everything soft in the world.

"God I love you Cyrus Goodman"

"Tj Kippen you are the boy of my dreams" Cyrus began to kiss me and grabbed the bottom of my shirt eventually taking it off, he then began to give everything small kisses going down my body slowly reaching my shorts.

~(In The Morning)~

I groaned as the light hit my face squeezing Cyrus closer to me.

"Morning sunshine" He said kissing my forehead. 

"Not yet I'm tired"

"How are you tired it did all the work" I blushed hard at the sentence he whispered in my ear. I pulled up my shorts and looked for my shirt but couldn't find it.

"Have you seen my shirt?"

"No, but it would hurt to put off looking for it" I chuckled unzipping the tent walking out Cyrus following behind. I saw my shirt that Cyrus was hiding behind his back but didn't say anything.

"Let's go take our showers and stuff I'm hungry" I looked over at the other tents and saw everyone else had left and I figured they were inside. We walked inside and the smell of pancakes filled the air making me smile.

Cyrus and I had both finished taking our showers and we were now eating pancakes with the rest of his family.

"So boys today were all gonna go on a hike," His mom said excitedly.

"Sounds fun" I replied finishing my breakfast and I began to take my plate to the sink.

"You don't have to do that Tj," Anne said.

"It's fine, I insist," I said giving her a smile.

"Cyrus you have yourself a gentleman," She said making him smile.

~(During The Hike)~

Cyrus and I were holding hands looking around at all the trees.

"A snake," Cyrus said rubbing his foot on my leg. I jumped, letting out a small yelp as everybody else laughed.

"That wasn't funny," I said.

"It was the last two times" His grandpa said chuckling patting my shoulder.

"How long have we've been walking my legs hurt" Cyrus said, letting out a small groan.

"About twenty minutes" I responded ruffing his hair.

"What?! It feels like it's been at least an hour!"

"You just have weak legs" I said making him scoff and everyone else laugh.

"Do not!" He said crossing his arms playfully. I knelt down a small bit and almost instant Cy got on my back.

"I rest my case" I said chuckling as I lifted up my legs. We walked for about an hour before heading back. Cy and I were sitting on the couch and his grandpa and dad were with us.

"So it's our anniversary tomorrow " Cyrus said sitting up from out my chest.

"Oh, I thought you didn't care about it" I replied.

"I don't...just thought you would want to know, I'll be back I need to use the bathroom" He said leaving the room. 

"Your an idiot" Cyrus's grandpa said.

"Dad!" Cyrus father said.

"What, why?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"In any relationship there's always one person that wants to celebrate the anniversary"

"He's not lying?" Cyrus dad added.

"You guys really think I should do something?"

"Tj he's as Goodman of course he does he takes it after his mother" I chuckled thinking of what to do.

"What should I do?"

"What you're not doing" His dad responded before Cyrus walked back in the room. I quickly got up and grabbed him by the arm leading him outside.

"Ow Teej" He said rubbing his arm.

"Guess what"


"Tomorrow you will have the best anniversary ever!"

"Really?!" His face lit up as he kissed me.


~(The Next Day)~


I woke up yawning and got up rubbing my eyes. I made my way downstairs after getting ready for the day and the first thing I saw in the table was a plate with a chocolate chocolate chip muffin. I smiled looking at the note next to it. I walked over to it and began to read it.

Happy anniversary muffin I love you to the stars and back

I blushed at the note and took a bite into the muffin.

"Morning love" I heard Tj say from behind me.

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