The Party

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A/N: Long chapter ahead but I'm sure you'll love it.

Disclaimer: this chapter is all of the characters stepping out there comfort zone so just keep that in mind.

We were in front of the house and could hear the muffled music and lights from inside the house.

"This is going to be insane" Reed said in an excited tone going towards the house.

"Alright guys let's go" Andi said as we went through the open doors of the house. The house was it up with a lot of different colors and people were dancing and drinking.

"Reed grabbed my hand going to the kitchen were some kids were making out.

"So how was it?"

"How was what?"

"The mental health day"

"Oh it was cool I wasn't stressed all day"

"That's good"

"Reed my man" A guy with red hoodie came over to us.

"What's up"

"Not much this party is fucking crazy" Reed responded as the guy handed him a beer.

"You want one too?" He looked at me smiling.

"No thanks I'm good" He smiled back shrugging his shoulders walking away. I looked over at Reed drinking his beer making me chuckle.

"What?" He laughed.

"You look crazy" I laughed back eating a chip.

"Come on, let's go dance" He said grabbing my arm bringing me to the room everybody was dancing in. He began dancing me along with him.


"Where did Reed and Cy go?"

"I don't know" Buffy responded looking around for them.

"They're probably dancing or something, I'm gonna go get something to eat come on" I followed Buffy to the table of snacks and we grabbed a bag of chips. I grabbed both of us some fruit punch and we sat on the couch looking at people dance.

Buffy began coughing and I looked over at her as she made a weird face.

"What's wrong?"

"Drink your punch" I took a sip and tasted more vodka then fruit punch.

"Not bad" I laughed taking another sip Buffy doing the same.

"We both agree to not overdo it with the drinking right?"


"Oh my god look someone it outside doing that tube chug thing" I looked out the window in the backyard and saw a blonde girl chugging a lot of alcohol.

"Wait that's Amber I said" I quickly got up and went to the backyard around all the people yelling chug. She finished and everyone cheered as she put both her hands up.

"Hey Tj" She said as if nothing happened.

"Where did you learn to do that?"

"I don't know" She laughed as Andi walked up to us.

"Amber that was just wow" She said before Amber kissed her on the lips.

"Wow" Andi said looking phased by the kiss.

"We're gonna go dance" Amber said grabbing Andi's hand. They walked away and Andi looked back and I mouthed the words watch her and she gave me a thumbs up.

"I really hope none of them get drunk"

"Hey" I turned around and saw Cyrus.

"Hey where'd you go earlier?"

"Oh me and Reed went to go dance he forced me"

"Oh leaving me for Reed are you?" I said sarcastically.

"Totally" He responded laughing.

"You wanna try that?" I pointed to the people drinking alcohol from the tube.

"I don't know you should"

"Nah someone has to not be drunk to remember this go ahead"

"Well this is gonna be a huge step out my comfort zone"

"Have you ever even drank anything before?"

"Ya Reed let me finish the rest of his beer" I sighed chucking.

"Be careful muffin"

"Alright" I was worried about Cyrus doing it but he sounded like he wanted to.

"Alright everybody step back gay boy is gonna do it he might puke" Cyrus furrowed his brows and put the tube in his mouth.

"Is Cyrus really going to do this?"

"I guess" so I responded not looking away knowing it was Buffy.

"I never thought I'd say this but he's kinda being a badass.

"Ya I thought he was a holy child" I said chuckling. They began to pour beer cans into the funnel and Cyrus began to chug. They then got to taller glass bottles and poured them down the funnel.

"Oh my god how does he do that?"

"I don't know but he's doing it well" They all began to chant his name as the glass bottles emptied and he put his hands in the air and everyone cheered.

"That felt amazing!" He yelled walking towards us.

"I always took you for a lightweight" Buffy said messing up his hair. He let out a long but quiet burp.

"I still can't believe you did that muffin"

"Me neither"

~(Thirty Minutes Later)~

I was sitting on the couch with Jonah when all of a sudden Reed cane tumbling towards me.

"Hey t" He slurred his words.

"Are you drunk Reed?!"

"No" He pushed me lightly sitting down.

"How many beers did you have" Jonah asked. He put up two fingers then shaped his other fingers as a zero.

"Oh no" I said in a worried tone.

"Alright just um keep him here coffee helps when someone is drunk" Jonah said getting up.

"You wanna know something funny" Reed said putting his head on my shoulder.

"What Reed" I responded moving his head.

"I sent Kira nudes and that's what she used to blackmail me to hate you and cy" He laughed pushing me again.


"Ya, I thought I really liked her so I did" I didn't know how to respond I just hope Jonah would come back soon. All of a sudden some random girl walked up to me a kissed me her breath smelling like alcohol.

"Ugh get off of me" I pushed her off and she giggled walking way.

"Have you event sent Cyrus nudes"

"What?!" I diverted my attention to him.

"You know has he ever seen your friends down there" I blushed out of embarrassment then Jonah saved me from having to answer the question.

"Ok they didn't have any sugar so your gonna have to drink it black"

"Thank god he came back" Reed began to drink than looked at me.

"Hey guy"

"Yes Reed"

"I think I'm gonna throw up"

In Your Eyes (sequel to Fallen For You)  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now