Tripple Tale

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"Muffin do I really have to go? tomorrow's Saturday"

"Tj you promised"

"I know but I don't-" I stopped myself from telling Cyrus that I don't think I have anger issues. It hurt lying to him but I can't just tell him I already told him and my parents I agree I have anger issues.

"You don't what teej"

"I don't want to leave my muffin alone" I kissed him on the forehead saving myself.

"Aww that's sweet but it won't get you out of this" I groaned lying down on my bed as Cyrus cuddled into my chest.

"I promise Tj everything will be ok"

"Alright underdog"

~(Jonah's House)~


I was lying in bed and even though it was day outside I left my room completely dark. I felt sad but I wasn't I had energy to get out of bed but at the same time I didn't. Rodney started to cry in his room next door as my parents continued to argue. I got up going to his room trying to ignore my parents.

I picked up Rodney checking his diaper but there was nothing.

"Come on stop crying please" I lightly bounced my screaming baby brother but that didn't help at all. I gave him a toy and all he did was throw it on the floor and scream louder.

"Please just shut up why can't everyone in this house just shut up" I began to cry without realizing as I looked around seeing an empty bottle. I grabbed it going downstairs we're my parents were still arguing walking past them as they ignored me. I walked in the kitchen and prepared the bottle.

They continued to argue and scream at one another until I couldn't stand it. I walked in the living room stomping my feet.

"Will you to please shut the hell up!"

"Jo-Jonah?!" They said in unison.

"No I'm tired of it ever since you guys started to argue I've had to do everything for Rodney and it's not fair" The microwave beeped and I shot up sweating.

"All that was a dream?" I opened my blinds and It was night. I grabbed my one and went to my contacts.

Hey can we hang out tomorrow?

Ya sure wanna go to the spoon with Andi and Buffy?

No lets just chill at my house ok?

Ok but why

Gtg Rodney is crying

~(The Next Day)~

I heard a knock on my door and I opened it not surprised to see Cyrus and I invited him in.

"Hi Jonah" He said with a smile

"Hey Cy guy" I responded with a faint soft voice. We went up to my room and I had all my curtains covering my windows making my room dark but not too dark.

"So what do you wanna do"

"Cyrus please help" Tears began to run down my cheek.

"What's wrong?"

"They never stop arguing and I just can't Cyrus I feel like I'm the only one taking care of Rodney"

"I'm sorry your going through this where are they now"

"The park but there's something else"

"I'm listening"

"There are times when I don't feel I'm mentally or physical ok but other times I feel perfect" Cyrus embraced me in a right hug and all I did was cry hard into his chest.

"We'll figure this out together Jonah"


I walked through the double doors and behind them was a group of people of people sitting in chairs that made a circle.

"Aw you must be Tj take a seat" An older guy told me patting a seat next to him. I sat down looking around the room that was filled with all types of cheesy poster that supposed to raise self esteem.

"All your missing is the just hang in there ca-" I looked behind me noticing the exact poster I was talking about.

"Never mind there it's is"

"Why don't you introduce yourself" I sighed and began to speak.

"I'm Tj and I don't belong here"

"And why do you think that?"

"Because I don't have anger issues"

"That's what I told myself" A women added herself to the conversation.

"I'm Jill, I said the same thing to myself then I crashed my boyfriends car into a tree"


"That's um" I couldn't think of anything to say after she said that.

"This is gonna be hell"


"Alright my turn" I posed in front of the river as Andi began to take pictures. She invited me to a two person photo shoot since Buffy was busy doing something else.

"Wait something is missing"

"What?" I giggle as Andi put a flower in my head.

"Now you look perfect"

"I didn't look perfect before" I joke pouting at Andi.

"Well it's not that you we- you are always" I blushed a little as Andi fumbled her words.

"Relax I'm kidding let's continue" She chuckled lightly taking more pictures.

"Let's take one together"

"Alright what pose?" Andi asked as she walked over to me.

"I have an Idea close your eyes"

"It better not be worms" I chuckled holding up the camera to Andi and I.

"It's not" I responded placing my lips on hers taking the picture.

In Your Eyes (sequel to Fallen For You)  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now