Until The End Part 2

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I turned around and saw him dressed in a buttoned-down shirt and some pants that looked big on him.

"You look ridiculous," I said letting out a chuckle. He gave me a smile and went over to me kissing my forehead.

"Options were limited" He responded.

"Where is everyone?" I asked looking around.

"They went to do adult things" He responded sitting next to me. He didn't take his eyes off me as I took a bite of the muffin.

"So?" He said pulling my chair closer to his.

"So, what?" I responded before giving him a small kiss.
"How is it?" He said smiling.

"Delicious" Tj gave me a smile and kissed me softly on the lips.

"Well Cyrus get dressed our anniversary starts with a romantic hike through the woods," He said taking off a small piece of my muffin. I smiled and quickly finished my muffin and got ready for the hike. Tj and I were soon on our romantic hike.

~(20 minutes later)~


"So then we make a turn here..." I said unsure of what direction to go.

"We're lost Tj, just admit it," Cyrus said leaning against a tree.

"Were not lost" I lied. "I'm just uh-"

"We've passed this stupid rock twice Tj" He argued letting out a long sigh. I looked around putting my hands on my waist. I looked over at Cyrus who was on his phone.

"Alright this way mister, were not lost," he said, I sighed and followed behind him.

"I'm sorry muffin," I said quietly grabbing his hand and entwining our fingers as we walked. He looked over at me and gave me a sweet smile.

"Don't worry if I was stuck in the wood I would have it be with the man of my dreams" I blushed a small bit him doing the same. We went back to the cabin and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey do a quick one on one?" I asked him.

"I don't know Tj you know I'm no good at sports"

"It will be your private lesson," I said pulling him close to me. He blushed a dark red and went on his tippy toes giving me a kiss.

"Fine" He agreed, I grabbed the basketball that was lying on the side of the steps and began to dribble it.

"Alright, I'm just gonna pass it to you" I softly passed it to him after he gave me a nod and he passed it back trying to mimic my movements. I passed it back to him and he caught it causing a grin to grow on his face.

"I'm ready to make baskets now!" He said excitedly going up to the hoop that was bolded against the wall of the cabin. He shot the ball nearly making it in.

"At least you hit the backboard," I said chuckling.

"Shut up!" He said sarcastically. I went over to him helping him with his form and grabbed his cute butt. He let out a small eek and blushed a hard red color. He shot the ball and it hit the backboard going into the hoop. He celebrated by hugging me tight and I gave him a small kiss on his head. He grabbed the ball again and shot making it in.

"Hey, keep it up you can try out for the basketball team" I joked punching his arm. The ball rolled to my feet and I picked it up. I tossed it at Cy and it hit him dead in the middle of his face.

"Shit, are you ok muffin?!" I asked running towards him.

"I don't think so" Blood trickled down his nose and he began to freak out. We quickly went inside to the bathroom and Cy got tissue cleaning up the blood as it continued.

"I'm sorry Muffin"

"It's ok" Cyrus responded grabbing another tissue. I felt so bad that I was ruining our anniversary day.

"I really am sor-"

"It's fine Tj," Cyrus said again raising his voice a bit. I frowned a bit and kissed him on the top of his head.

"I'll be in the guest room Cy," I said quietly leaving and closing the door behind me.


I felt so bad for yelling at Tj, I just lost my temper a bit. My nose had finally stopped bleeding and I went into the living room. I wanted to talk to Tj but something in my body wouldn't let me get up.

"Maybe he's mad at me " I groaned at that thought and laid down on the couch putting my face in a pillow. Without realizing I slowly drifted to sleep letting my body sink into the soft couch cushions.

I opened my eyes and saw myself in a familiar blue chair. I tried to get up but it felt like I was stuck in the chair that's when I realized what dream I was in. I closed my eyes and felt my body submerged underwater. Before I knew it, I was on the beach. I looked over at the water but didn't see Jonah this time. I looked over next to me and saw a shirtless Tj smiling at me.

He caught the Anvil and smirked at me throwing it to the side. He kissed me and I could hear the fireworks set off behind me.


I opened my eyes and stretched letting out a groan. I sat up looking at my feet seeing rose pedals. I giggled following the trail of roses Tj left along the floor. I smiled reaching the end of the trail that led to the back yard. It was decorated with white Christmas lights and Tj smile bright when he saw me.

"What are you doing?" I asked blushing hard walking towards him. He held both of my hands and smiled again. The moonlight glistens off of his beautiful eyes. Behind him were my parents and grandparents.

"I know this whole day was bad and I know I messed it up"

"Teej you didn't"

"I know I'm just a kid with anger issues and math dyslexia and a complete screw up but I love you"

"I love you too"

"You are the best thing to ever happen to me, your sweet and kind and everything I could ever dream of" I began to cry tears of joy because of what he said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out two rings.

"Cyrus Goodman, will you promise to love me for the rest of your days"

"Yes!" I said kissing him as he put the ring on my finger. He put the other ring in my hand and I smiled putting it on his finger. "When I thought you couldn't get more sweeter"


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