Lucky Charm

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{So next Tuesday is going to Jamaica until the following Tuesday so I won't be able to post chapters just a heads up}

"Will you stop walking so fast?" Tj huffed and continued to walk. "Will, you just talk to me?" Tj and I were just about in front of the kid's gym. He quickly turned around and spoke.

"I don't need you babying me Cyrus, I don't need you telling me to calm down alright" Tj had an aggravated tone in his voice and he raised his voice a little. I didn't know what to say so I just stood there in silence as he unlocked the door.

"I-" Before I could say anything else some kids came inside saying my name hugging my legs.

"Hey guys," I said cheerfully putting on a fake smile.

"Let's wait a couple of minutes before we start with stretching, you guys can talk Cyrus and I have to talk about something" Tj grabbed my hand making small circles on my palm.

"I'm sorry muffin" He said with a low voice.

"It's ok," I said softly

"I-it's not, I'm sorry I yelled at you I don't know what came over me" He embraced me in a tight hug and let go.

"I forgive you"

"Alright everybody let's start stretching"

~(Next Day At School)~

Jonah and I were walking through the hallway heading to science. We had a class next to each other so we decided to walk together. I looked over at him and he looked extremely tired.

"So how'd you sleep?"

"Amazing" Jonah sarcastically answered putting his hood over his head walking into his classroom. I sighed as I walked into my class. The teacher gave us one of those tests were they see what you know and I could hardly focus because kids kept talking.

"Ms.Clark do you mind if I just stay a little and finish my test?"

"I don't mind just come sit in the front, your pass will be on the desk" I sat down, and seconds later the teacher from next door knocked on the door Ms.Clark opened it and started talking to the other teacher.

"I know it's only the third week of school but he just isolates himself in the class" The other teacher attempted to whisper but I still overheard them.

"Maybe he's just like that"

"Are they talking about Jonah?" I quickly finished the last of the questions and put it on Ms.Clark's desk picking up the pass she wrote for me.

"Thanks, Ms.Clark"

"Your welcome Cyrus" I made my way to algebra trying to hide the growing smile on my face knowing Tj was in that class. When I arrived the class was seated and the teacher was handing out papers

"Sorry I'm late, I was finishing " I put the pass on Mr.Wax's desk and took my seat.

"Alright class, so today we're gonna continue off with the basics" Mr.Wax continued to talk as he finished passing out papers. I looked over at Tj and he gave me a sweet smile and waved. I blushed a bit and continued to work for the rest of the class.

~(At Lunch-)~

"Hey Cy are you coming to watch me try out for the team?" Tj asked as he sat next to me.

"I wouldn't miss it"'

"So how is school going so far" Jonah asked smiling.

"Well decent enough, I thought it was gonna be more different than middle school but the kids just are"

"Some kid cursed out my teacher in class today it was so hilarious" Amber added in making Andi laugh along with the rest of us.

"Some guy asked for my number" Buffy did sounding irritated. Reed laughed as everyone else chucked.

"Who?" We asked nearly in sync.

"He didn't even tell me his name"

"That's hilarious"

"How's your brother Jonah?" I asked.

"He's good, crying less" The same group of guys approached us and began to talk.

"Look at these dorks" Amber chuckled looking at the group of guys.

"Who says dorks?" She snapped back getting a chuckle out of all of us. 

"Why do you meathead insist on bothering?" Tj snapped at them.

"Cause our many girlfriend aren't here to entertain us," One of the shorter guys said sarcastically.

"Like someone would even want to breathe your air" Jonah added laughing a bit.

"Yeah, last time I checked you asked for my number and I told you not even if we were the last people on earth" The guy let out a huff of frustration and stomped off and we all looked at Buffy. "Not a word from anyone" 

~(After School)~


I was sweating like crazy but kept pushing through the team I was put against. Someone passed me the ball and I quickly shot making it in. I looked over at Cyrus who gave me a thumbs up.

"Alright boys, next point wins good hustle"  We began to play and I was passed the ball once again. Everything felt like slow motion as a shot from the three-point line and the ball went smoothly through the hoop.

"Bull shit! the fag traveled"

"What'd you just call me?" The dark-haired guy who was about half an inch taller then me got in my face making me clench my fist.

"You heard me Fag" He shoved me and before I could do anything back the coach broke us up.

"We're here to play basketball not to start catfights, now you out the gym," He said with a stern tone as he pointed to the dark-haired kid. He snarled at me and walked out of the gym slamming the door behind him. After the tryouts were over I went over to Cyrus who had the cutest smile on his face.

"So what happened earlier?"

"Nothing important" As Cyrus got up I hugged him kissing him on the cheek.

"Hey Kippen, come over here," The coach said putting the basketballs back in the rack.

"Yes, coach?"

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier I hate when people say that word If I ever caught someone call my son that" He put his fist up shaking it making me chuckle.


"Well if anyone on the team gives you a problem like that talk to me alright" I nodded my head giving him a smile going back to Cyrus.

"What did he say?"

"That if anybody on the team gives me a problem talk to him" I smiled helping put Cy's books away.

"You made the team!" Cyrus yelled a little hugging me. It took me a second to realize why he said that and when I did I felt a spark of joy in my body.

"I couldn't do it without my lucky charm"

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