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Warning small bit of smut ahead

It had been two months since school started and we were in late October. Reed and I were sitting in my room doing homework. I let out a sigh of border pushing away my laptop.

"What's wrong Cy?"

"Nothing just bored"

"Doesn't Tj have his final champ game next week?"

"Yeah" I responded smiling at the question.

"Are you going to this stupid monster ball school dance next week too?" He asked.

"Eh I don't know it sounds like fun though"

"Well, what do you want to do since homework is out of the question?"

"We could play some video games"

"Alright sounds cool" Tj phone buzzed and he sighed looking at the notification.

"Who is it?"

"Kira, she's been texting me all day saying me and her need to talk"

"What about?"

"She didn't say"

"Well ask her"

"Not after what she did to you not after what she made me do to you guys, what would she want but to manipulate me"

"Reed, what if it's important?"

"Fine, there I texted her back"

"Alright what did she say?"

"Meet her at the park"

"Alright let's go"

"Cy are you sure?"

"No, but I want to know what she wants with you" We both got up and made our way to the park. When we arrived we saw Kira sitting on a bench.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"It was two years ago Reed, it took time but I let it go and you should too"

"Your right" He responded as we approached the bench Kira was sitting at.

"Alright so what do you want Kira"

"Hello to you to Reed, Cyrus" She said my name quietly.


"Some kids are planning to start a fight with Tj after the game next week"

"Why?!" I said concerned.

"I don't know because their dumb"

"Alright well thanks for the info"


"Yes?" Reed said with an attitude.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything I did back then with the blackmailing and stuff, Cyrus I'm sorry as well I was mad at Tj and I wanted to get back at him for something he didn't do" I gave her a caring smile as she finished her sentence and hugged her.

"I forgive you Kira"

"Thanks for forgiving me Cyrus it really does mean a lot, Do you mind telling everyone I'm sorry"

"Yeah of course"

"I forgive you too" Reed said smiling.

~(Back At Cyrus's House)~

"Yeah, and she said sorry and stuff" I was on a group video call with the good hair crew.

"I guess I can forgive her, no point in dwelling on the past" Tj said and everyone else agreed with him.

"And she said that some kids were gonna fight Tj after the game?" Amber asked.

"Yep" Reed replied laying in my bed.

"Well thanks for the info"


"Well I'm gonna go practice, Reed don't steal my boyfriend"

"Whatever you say chief" Everybody laughed and we all hung up. Reed was sleeping over because Tj was busy practicing for his game which made me kinda sad but Reed promised he would keep my mind off it.

"So what do you want to do?"

"We could play injustice two"

"Are you sure about that I'm pretty good with joker"

"You're on" He ruffled my hair. For the rest of the night Reed and I goofed around playing video games and pulling small pranks on my parents.

~(Next Week)~

"Wooo go Tj!" Kira and I said in unison as he made another shot.

"He is killing it he's shot eleven points for the team so far!"

"Yeah what Buffy said!" I said a little confused causing Jonah to chuckle. Our team was up by seven and everyone was doing great. I could keep my eyes off if Tj and the way he ran back and forth, when he played basketball he looked so cute.

"Your drooling" Amber joked punching my shoulder. There were thirty seconds left and one of Tj's teammates had just shot another basket bringing them up two more. We all cheered as everyone at the opposite rim passed the ball as the timer went down to ten seconds. Tj stole the ball and looked over at me and winked making me blush.

"What are you up to Tj Kippen" He dribbled the ball down the court faster than I had seen him run and jumped in the air.

"Five four three two one" The crowd chanted and as if on queue he dunked the ball into the net and everyone cheered. Everyone cheered and the team surrounded Tj. After everything was getting cleaned up we all were waiting in the hall for Tj then he came with his teammates chanting his name. Tj ran up to me wrapping his arms around me embracing me in a tight hug.

"That was amazing"

"Thanks muffin"

"Alright, victory meal at the spoon" Amber said punching Tj's shoulder. Tj wrapped his hand around my waist kissing me.

"Yep not a bruise on my handsome face" Tj replied jokingly.

"Well look who didn't get beat up!" Kira said patting Tj on the back smiling.

~(At Tj's House)~

It was late at night and I was sleeping over Tj's house. I was sitting on his bed bored out of my mind because Tj still wasn't out of the shower, I finally heard the water stop and shortly after Tj came out with just some boxers on. I could feel my face heat up as he gave me a smirk and sat down next to me.

"Well, You're redder than a tomato" Tj chuckled kissing my cheek.

"Hm, I wonder why" I responded playfully being sarcastic. Tj sat next to me and kissed me wrapping his hand in my waist slowly laying me down on the bed. He deepened the kiss and I rubbed on his chest going lower until he let out a small deep moan when I stopped at a certain area.

"If you're not ready we don-" I kissed him again and he slowly took off my pants then my shirt.

"I promise I'll be gentle with you muffin" He quickly got up and went into a draw in his nightstand grabbing a condom and lube.

"Looks like someone has been waiting" I smirked blushing a bit. That night I felt closer to Tj then I ever had before figuratively and literally.

In Your Eyes (sequel to Fallen For You)  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now