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(New chapter as promised)


I knocked on Cyrus door and he opened it and instantly started to laugh.

"What are you wearing?!"

"I could decide between Frankenstein or Yoshi so I'm Frakenyosh" I lauded.

"Are the kids here yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, Eric is James boyfriend now" I walked in and then realized what Cy had said.

"Wait what?"

"Go and see for yourself" I went into the living room and saw the Two boys holding hands on the couch watching cartoons.


"Tj!" They all said getting up hugging me. Well look at what we have here A spooky ghost, a spider and a cow.

"Tj guess what"

"Yes James"

"Me and Erick are dating just like you and Cyrus"

"How nice I said smiling"

"Who asked who out?" Cy asked from behind me.

"Me, I said that he was my boyfriend now and he said ok" I laughed at the response Erick gave me.

"Well, are you guys ready to get candy!"

"Yeah!" All of them responded yelling.

"Alright Mario come ride Frakenyosh"

"Yahoo" Cyrus blushed a light pink as he kissed me on the lips and hopped in my back. After a while we had been to about five houses and Cy was still on my back giving me small kisses. I looked over at the kids and saw Erick and James still holding hands and Caroline skipping.

"Hey guys we're going to hit a couple of more houses then we have to go back to my house"


~(Thirty Minutes Later)~

Cyrus and I had just finished checking the last of the kid's candy and now we were all watching a Scooby-Doo movie waiting for their parents. There was a knock on the door and when I got up to answer it all of the kid's parents were at the door.

"Hi there in the living room watching a movie we only let them eat a little bit of candy"

"Hi Mom" Janes said his fingers still intertwined with Ericks.

"Hi honey why are you holding Erick's hand?"

"Because he is my boyfriend now" She smiled lightly and handed me twenty dollars.

"You don't have to"

"Oh please I insist"

"Well thank you"

~(The Next Day)~

Cyrus and I were at the spoon with everyone else when all of a sudden I got a text from the owner at the gym.

"Hey Cy somethings going on at the gym they want us to come down"

"Is everything ok?" Andi asked.

"I don't know, we have to go find out" Cyrus and I left the spoon and went to the gym and were now sitting in Todd's office with Erick's parents.

"Hello boys these parents want to pull their kids out of the gym"

"What why?!" Cyrus blurred out.

"Is this because he's dating James?" I said a little activated.

"No, we just feel don't think our child should be exposed to such things at a young age" His father responded.

"So it is about him dating James" I scoffed.

"We never told them that they should date or anything they are entitled to their own feeling" Cyrus said sweetly.

"I just don't know how I feel about him being exposed to things like this at such a young age" it came to mind that none of the parents didn't know that Cy and I were dating.

"Yeah maybe it's a good thing, they don't even know what love is and this is a new experience for them showing them diversity and stuff like that"

"Well, I guess when you put it that way it doesn't sound all that bad" His dad said sighing.

"We don't want him getting bullied because he's different" his mom added sounding concerned.

"Me and Cyrus will make sure that he doesn't"

"Yeah and you should talk to his teacher as well just because they're both in the same class" Cyrus added.

"You boys must really know and care a lot for these kids hu?"

"Yes mam" I smiled.

"It's not like we don't support the LGBTQ community we are just wondering where they were exposed to it" I looked over at Cy smiling making me smile as well.

"Well actually me and Cyrus are dating and before he started working here he hung around a lot" I added as they both nodded their heads.

"So can James stay?" I asked smiling.

"Yes he can" Cy and I both cheered. After everything had gotten cleared up Cyrus and I decided to stay since we both had the same shift in about an hour.

"Hey since this weekend is a long weekend me and my mom were gonna go to my grandparent's cabin do you wanna tag along?" Cy asked me before taking a bite of his muffin.

"No thanks I wouldn't want to intrude"

"You wouldn't be my grandparents always ask about you whenever they call"

"I'll ask my parents"

"Alright, Were leaving Saturday by the way"


"Guess what"


"I love you insanely" I said making Cyrus let out a cute little giggle as he blushed. I gave him a small kiss and wondered what was going through this perfect person's mind.

~(Later That Night)~

"You guys did what?!" Amber practically screamed through my laptop after I told her Cyrus and I had sex for the first time and she started freaking out but in the good way.

"So how did it feel"

"I'm not answering that"

"How did it start?"

"I'm gonna hang up"

"Oooo was he moaning like this?" Amber started to moan my name and I quickly turned down the volume on my computer.

"Goodnight Ambs" I hung up and put my laptop in my nightstand.

In Your Eyes (sequel to Fallen For You)  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now