In The Middle

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I stepped outside as the cold air hit my face.

"God  it's cold" I went back upstairs putting a jacket over Tj's oversized hoodie.

"Hey Muffin" I looked over at my window and saw Tj climbing through the window.

"I thought we were going to the spoon"

"We were but this is more romantic" I giggled at the joke and helped him climb through the window.

"So what's so romantic about this"

"Well since it's to cold we are gonna have an inside picnic"

"Oooo how romantic" I said kissing Tj on his cheek.

"Only the finest for my muffin"

"So how was anger management?"

"Can we not talk about it please" Tj put a checkered striped blanket and spread it out on the floor began to unload a basket of food and put it on the floor. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him slow.

"I love you"

"I love you to" After Tj and I set up we started our date.

"This is really good Tj"

"Thanks" He blushed lightly. I snuggled up on his chest and Tj fed me a strawberry. There was a knock on the door making me let out a small sigh.

"Come I-" Andi swung open the door and was clearly out of breath.


"You and Amber kissed!"

"You understood that?" Tj asked with a confused tone. Andi looked down and gave us a sorry smile.

"Oh my geez are you two on a date I'm so sorry"

"It's ok just sit down"

~(A Couple Of Minutes Later)~

"So what are you gonna do?" Andi and I both looked at Tj with a smile.

"Why are you guys smiling like that?"

"You are really close to Amber" I said Andi adding on.

"Yeah you could ask if she likes me"

"Ok sure I will" Tj pulled out his phone a dialed in a number.

"Not now!" Andi yelled grabbing his phone but it already began to ring.

"If we do it now it will be over faster" He said putting the phone on speaker.


"Hi Ambs"

"Tj I Just was going to call you"


"I kissed Andi and it felt amazing I mean I told her it was only for the photo but I like her"

"Aww I like you to" Andi blurted out blushing strawberry red.

~(A Couple Of Hours Later)~

I approached Jonah's front door and knocked. Not soon after the door opened fast. My ears were filled with loud crying and Jonah looked extremely tired.

"Hi Cyr-" He muffled the rest of his words before collapsing to the ground.


I opened my eyes slowly and looked up at the white ceiling.
"Hey are you ok?" Cyrus spoke soft and helped me sit up.

"Where's Rodney?!" I said quickly getting up.

"Relax I put him to sleep" A creaking of the front door filled the air and my parents came through the living room doors.

"Jonah are you ok? Cyrus called and said you collapsed"

"Ye-n-no" I looked over at Cyrus who gave me a nod.

"You guys are always fighting and I'm tired of it I'm always taking care of Rodney while you guys fight and on top of that I think I'm bipolar!" I sat down tears filling my eyes as my mom held me on the couch.

"We're sorry love we really are I promise that we'll try to get everything sorted"

"I feel so not ok" I began to cry softly in my moms arms as she hugged me tighter.

"We love you Jonah and I'm sorry your going through this" My dad added in hugging me as well.


After leaving from Jonah's house I decided to walk home instead of going to the spoon like I planned. As I walked I fidgeted with the end of my hoodie sleeves well Tjs hoodie.

"Boo!" I jumped a let out a small scream when I felt someone grab me by the waist and whisper in my ear. I turned around to see Reed smiling.

"That's not funny I could have kicked you" He chuckled a little bit ruffling up my hair.

"Sure French fry"

"So how's life?"


"Why do you say that"

"Well to ignore my problems I put myself in the middle of everyone else's and right now It's just to much"

"Then why don't you let them deal with it themselves?"

"I don't know Reed but right now I just don't wanna deal with any problems and as much as it hurts to say not even Tj's" I said the last couple of words softly. It hurt to admit it but it was the truth sometimes everything is just to much.

"Then don't" Reed said after a couple of seconds of silence. I gave him a question looking and we both stopped walking.

"Tomorrow turn your phone off and don't do anything involving anyone but you basically a mental health day" I grinned at the idea as it sounded relaxing just thinking about it.

In Your Eyes (sequel to Fallen For You)  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now