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(I could not think of a name for this chapter sorry guys)


I knocked on Tj's front door and his mom answered. She had texted me earlier asking me to come over but never explained why.

"Hi Cyrus, come on in," She said softly open the four more for me to walk in.

"Wheres Tj?" I asked as I followed her into the living room to see Tj's dad sitting on the side with a look of worry on his face.

"Did something happen to Tj?" I quickly asked with concern growing in my voice.

"No nothing has happened but we are worried about him" His mom responded sitting down and gesturing me to do the same.

"Worried why?"

"Has Tj been aggressive lately" I started to reminisce to the couple of times he would get mad.

"Yeah last week he got mad at this stranger who bumped into me and said some unkind things after that Tj got all mad and I tried to calm him down but he got mad at me" His dad sighed and his mom did the same.

"When we got to work he did say sorry though" I quickly added trying to lighten up what I said. "But why?"

"Well, lately he has had a short temper at home" His dad fixing his posture a little.

"He'll get mad and sometimes even yell at us for the smallest things" His mother added with a concerning tone. I gave her a sympathetic smile as she continued to talk.

"We think he has anger issues and we plan on talking to him about it but we were wondering if you want to be there when we do"

"Of course I'll be there" I responded without a thought. All that went through my mind was helping Tj.

"Thank you"

"When is he-"

"What's going on?" We all looked over at the entrance to the living room to see Tj with a basketball in his hand. I got slightly worried but tried my best not to show it.

"Why don't you go upstairs and clean yourself up a bit then we can talk"


After I took a short shower and changed into some clean clothes I went downstairs and sat next to Cyrus on the couch.

"So what's going on?" I asked looking at everyone.

"Tj we aren't going to beat around the bush your mother, Cyrus and I think you have anger issues" His father stated in a soft but stern sounding voice.

"What's is this an intervention" I joked but nobody even cracked a smile.

"You guys are serious?!" I stood up feeling offended.

"We think you should take anger management classes" My mom added which made me feel even more offended. I scoffed looking at Cyrus waiting for him to say something to help defended me but he didn't.

"So you think there right?!"

"I never said that"

"But you're thinking it I can tell!"

"Well, ye-"

"You know I thought you loved me!"

"That is not fair! I do love you" He yelled back. I stormed upstairs to my room slamming my door behind me.

"I can't believe them" I started pacing in random directions in my room. "I don't have anger issues they have issues" I stomped harder every time I walked in a new direction."Who are they to say I have issues? I mean I'm only mad now because of them" I laid down letting out a loud grunt and fidgeted with my necklace."Maybe I shouldn't of said that to Cy...I know he loves me" I got up and went back downstairs and saw Cyrus crying and my mom and dad trying to comfort him. I went over to Cyrus embracing him in a tight hug not letting go.

"I do love you Teej"

"I know muffin I should've never said that I'm sorry" I let go wiping the tears from his eyes as he smiled a bit. Seeing Him cry made me think back to the times I wanted to get violent. I never thought I would be a reason he would cry and I don't want to be again.

"I'll do the anger management" I kissed his lips softly as he buried his head into my chest.

~(Later That Night)~

"So you taking anger management?" Amber asked as she played with my hair.

"Yep, Please don't tell anyone"

"Relax I won't, I'm happy for you but do you do just to please them or because you know you need help"

"I don't have anger issues Ambs, but they say I do so I guess a huge part of it was because I saw Cy crying and I wanted to make him happy"

"Thanks" Amber picked up the cursive C on my necklace.

"So do you ever take this off?"



"It was my first boyfriendey gift to him and when I have it on he always feels right there next to me"

"Do you think Andi is cute?" Amber blurted out without context.

"I don't know she's not really my type" I joked.

"Oh yes, your type is cute skinny boys" Amber replied

"I'm still bi" Amber chuckled kissing my head.

"Are you and Cyrus having sex?" I sat up giving Amber a questioning face even though I heard her clearly.

"What?" I asked laughing nervously.

"If you don't want to answer that's fine"

"No, we are not Amber"

"Do you want to?"

"What's with you and all the questions tonight"

"Curious and nothing interesting is happening in my life"

"Can we not talk about sex right now I'm such an innocent child" I joked lighting up how tense I felt.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you perfect child" Amber said back mocking me

In Your Eyes (sequel to Fallen For You)  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now