Can Boys Like Boys?

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(To celebrate me finishing my last final exam I'll give you guys the chapter today instead of Friday)


"So where do we sit?" I looked around the cafeteria trying to find an open table and trying to ignore all the noise with Cyrus, Andi, Amber, Buffy, and Jonah.

"I have no clue"

"How about over there?" Jonah pointed to a partially empty table with a couple of kids talking.

"Yeah sure," We managed to get past the crowd and sat down at the table.

"So how was your first couple of classes"





"Eh" They all answered in unison making me chuckle. I took a bite of my sandwich and noticed the same guy from algebra with a group of kids looking at me then laughing. I let out a small irritated sigh rolling my eyes at them.

"Ugh, I don't wanna go to gym" Cyrus sweet voice broke me out of my hateful daze and I wrapped my arm around him.

"Well I dont want to go to civics," I said trying to make him feel better.

"And why is that?"

"Because nobody wants to learn about old dudes who had no fashion sense" Amber added in making everyone chuckle.

"I rest my case"


~(At Gym)~

I was sitting on bleachers inside the gym bored out of my mind. The teachers were assigning people lockers and it was taking god knows how long. I sighed fidgeting with my sleeve out of boredom.

"Hey" I turned around to the familiar voice and was greeted by a bored-looking Reed.

"Hey, your in this class?"

"Yep," Reed sat down and sighed.

"This is fun" I sarcastically said making Reed chuckle. For the rest of class Reed and I sat around talking about any topic to come to our head while we waited for our lockers to be assigned.

~(At The Spoon)~

I ran my hands through Cyrus's hair as he rested his head on my upper arm drinking his milkshake.

"Today felt so long" Buffy let out a groan sinking down in her seat.

"I know right" Amber added.

"Ambs every day is a long day to you, you're a year ahead" I added sarcastically making her throw a baby tater at me. I looked at my phone and saw it was 3:30.

"Come on Cy we gotta get to work don't wanna be late on our first day" He put his head up and put on my hoodie.

"Awwww that's so cute" I couldn't help but agree with Andi, seeing him in my hoodie made me blush along with the sleeves sometimes dropping over his hands.

"Well see you guys tomorrow" I put twenty dollars on the table paying for me and Cy's food and we went on our way to work.

"Hey so about what happened in class today... I wanted to say sorry" I broke the short silence between us.

"It's fine that guy was being dumb"

"You sure?"

"Yep" I looked at Cyrus and saw him snuggling my hoodie. I chuckled as he looked over to me blushing. "What it's cold"

"I love you" I blushed lightly.

"I love you to Tj" After a couple more minutes of walking we finally made it to the children gym and the time the followed the kids started coming in.

"Cyrus!" One of the kids yelled hugging his legs, It was so cute that Cyrus had made bonds with the kids and can't wait to tell them he's gonna work here.

"Alright guys group up we have a surprise"

"Is it candy?" One of the kids ask making me and Cyrus chuckle.

"No, it's not candy" The kids all signed an aw in unison.

"Cyrus is gonna be working here so you'll see him almost every day" The kid's faces lit up with smiles as they all let out a yay hugging Cyrus. I joined in kissing him on the cheek as he giggled. I felt a tugging on my pants leg and saw one of the kids.

"Yes, Erick?"

"Are you and Cyrus in love?" I blushed hard as those words came out his mouth and all the kids looked at Cy and me.

"Yes, we are" I gave Erick a sweet smile.

"Is that allowed?"

"Is what allowed?"

"For boys to like boys"

"Yes it is, boys can like boys and girls can like girls" Cyrus added in smiling softly letting out a small chuckle.

(Sorry for the second chapter filler lol)

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