Part 7

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Harry POV

The last two days has been amazing. Paige and I spent most of the time together, because of her injury we just stayed indoors. I'm glad I could talk to her like this again, the gap that five years has made is gone. I try to seize each moment I spent with her, who knows when I'll be able to have off again. Management has called a lot of times, I told them I'm still sick but I know sooner or later I have to leave.

I'm now at Paige, taking care of her. Although she can walk now, I still insist on helping her around, she don't seem to mind though.

"You always cheat." Paige giggled as she lays her UNO cards. Its one of the games we enjoy when we were little, I'm surprise she still has them.

"You always lose." I say to her. I'll never get tired of her no matter how lame the things we do, as long as she's with me I don't have any complains.

"Answer that." she says when my phone rang. She must have noticed I've been ignoring it since this morning.

"Fine. Don't cheat." she just smirked at me as I move near the window to answer the phone.

"Yeah" I answered harshly. This better be good news or I'll kill this bastard for interrupting.

"You're on top!" Louis exclaimed on the other line.

"As much as I want to be on top if you're going to be on the bottom, no thanks man." I joked. Paige rolled her eyes when she heard me. My dirty mind began to picture me on top of her.

"Don't start with me Styles, I know you want me screaming your name." Louis said igniting what my mind is doing. If only Paige wasn't here I'd continue this bullshit but I can't coz I'll just be imagining her and end up with a cold shower. Picturing Paige under me, screaming my name. Shit!

"Asshole, get to the point."

"I mean our album dude, Billboard Hitchart No.1 baby" Louis said proudly. Its what were trying to get since we release that shit.

"Its expected man." I say dryly. I don't care about this stuff now. We always get that spot and its kinda boring me already. I am thankful with the fans who never gets tired to support us but it doesn't excite me that much like it did before.

"Yeah whatever Styles, get your ass off here. We're celebrating tonight, you know the drill."

"I will." I say as I drop the phone. The hell with damn parties. Its part of this whole celebrity thing but I can't seem to get used to it. I love to sing, its been my passion but being a singer is stressful. You have to attend parties, presscons, awards nights and stuff like that. I hate being in the limelight, I hate so much attention but its part of what I do, so I don't have much of a choice. My time here is over, I have to leave and face reality. I want to bring Paige with me but I can't. Not now atleast.

Paige is busy with her laptop when I hangup the phone. She was focus on what she's doing she did not notice me staring. She placed the pen between her lips, her fingers tapping the desk while the other is busy with what she's doing in the net. How can a geeky gesture turn me on like this? Her shorts were showing those creamy thighs. Fuck, my dirty mind starts to roll the tape again. You're such a pervert, my innerself self said. I know I am but only with her. As I walk closer her scent greets me. A mixture of lavender and vanilla, fucking sweet. Being this close to her will be the death of me.

"Harry" her soft voice almost sounding like a moan. "Yeah." I say as I stand behind her. If she'll turn around the bulge growing in my crotch is in her eye level.

"Gray or black?" What? I snap back to reality, focusing on what she's doing. Paige is looking for a car. Why on earth does she need one right now?


"I plan to move near the city, get a job, a place to stay and gear up my career." she said eyes still focus on the screen.

"When?" I didn't even think of that. I know she needs to work but she just got here. Besides her parents owns a small business which I'm sure they will pass on to her, there's no need for her to work really.

"After I land myself a job, but I need to get a car first for future interviews."

"I can drive you." I offered.

"No, you're busy and I can handle myself." What I'm thinking is impossible, but I could do something for her like hire her a driver or something. That's it!

"I'll buy you a car and hire you a driver." I say. Its a brilliant idea, I think. In that way I can help her and at the same time I can monitor her every move. She's not a puppet dude, you can't control her, my innerself reminds me.

"You've gotta be kidding me" she sounds annoyed.

"I can do that."

"You don't get it do you?" she snaps.

"I think its a brilliant idea, in that way you won't tire yourself driving after an interview or after work."

"I know you're rich and famous Harry. I am so freakin' aware of that. But don't you dare throw it my face." She closes her laptop and walk to the bed.

"I'm not, I'm sorry but I thought you'll like that." I'm not being a show off, I just want to show her that I care. And you're trying to control her, my innerself added. I should have known this reaction from her knowing Paige, she's more than the material stuff.

"I understand where this came from, thank you but no thanks." she said as she sits on the bed. "But I have to do this on my own Harry, I can't always depend on you or my parents" she added. I sit next to her and wrap my arms around her, my head nuzzling on her neck. I should stop controling things, stop being possessive. But if I don't get ahold of her I'm afraid she'll go.

"I'm sorry. I'm just afraid..."

"I won't go Harry. I'll be here till you want me." she said reading my mind.

"How does forever sounds to you?" I ask, looking into her eyes.

"Forevers good." she smiled.

"The black one" I finally said referring to the cars.

"That's my first choice too." And just like that we're back to what we were, like we didn't argue minutes ago. I was used to Paige depending on me that I forgot she's stronger now. She can be what she wants without my help and I'm afraid she'll realize she doesn't need me anymore. That what we have is just a silly romance and her life is much better without me. My life is too complicated, I don't own half of it. But she said she'll stay and I believe her, I should believe her.

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