Part 20

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Trevor POV

I'm nervous like its my first date. Man up, I say to myself. I have to make a move tonight. I can't just look at Paige in the office from a far everyday. I need her in my life, now that I'm more deserving, now that I'm somewhat fixed, more mature. I can now show her how I really feel about her.

When the door opened, I froze. There's the most beautiful girl in the world,her dress simple but God she looks good in it. How can I be stupid to break her heart before. Paige smiled shyly, she doesn't even know how beautiful she is. I stepped closer to her, I can't stop but stare, words won't come out but my minds clear, this is Paige, the girl I'd spend the rest of my life with.

"Ehemm, I think you guys are suppose to attend a party." Jenny said behind her. I owe my cousin bigtime for bringing Paige back into my life.

"Of course" I say, not leaving my eyes off her.

As we arrive in the party I could feel she's tense. She holds my arm like she's fall if she let go. I smiled, assuring her everything will be okay.

"You're the fairest here tonight." I whispered.

"You're just bluffing." Of course I'm not. As the hours pass she seems to be comfortable, we talked, had a few drinks, everything is perfect.

"So this is your new world now" Paige said glancing around the venue.

"No not really, you know I don't socialize."

"Well, you have to."

"Not all the time Paige, but if you'll be my date every party then I guess I'll be needing more tux." Paige smiled, I don't know if its because she agrees or the alcohol starts to have its effect on her.

"Where we're you Trev? You left Holmes, what happen then?"

"I moved to Canada. Finished school there and tried to be a man, someone different." Someone you'll be proud of, I want to add but its too early to be saying that now.

"And did you get what you want?"

"What do you think?" I ask her, I wonder how Paige sees me now that I'm like this.

"I think so, you seem to be different now like you're ten years older"

"So I look old?"

"What? No not that, your gorgeous." Paige says, she really is a little drunk now.

"Then why won't you dance with this gorgeous man infront of you?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

Paige and I are in the dance floor, my hand on the small of her back while she was dancing her ass off. Her hips sways gracefully in rhythm of the song with a sexy smile plastered on her face. I never saw her like this before and its such a fucking turn on.

"Didn't know you can dance." I whispered in her ear as she leans closer to my chest.

"There are alot of things you don't know Trev."

"I used to know everything about you, everything."

"Just shut up and dance."

Another two songs until we decided to get back to our table.

"I'm actually having fun." Paige says.

"I could take you next time."

"I'll think about it." The night was going smoothly, Paige was already comfortable with me and I know my chances are up again.

Then Harry showed up, Harry the Asshole. I hate this guy. He ruin everything before, he just can't be contented with the girls he had and took Paige. I blame him why Paige and I broke up, he set me up. He's just pretending to be innocent and all but he's a bastard, a coward and a fucking asshole. He walks toward us, his gaze on Paige. I rest my arm around her shoulder, telling him that we're together. God, I want to rip his head off. How dare he looks at her, she's mine asshole.

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