Part 28

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Paige POV

The familiar sight of my room's wallpaper, the scent of the candle I used to lit up relaxes my ever bothered mind. I don't want to be back in Holmes, I wouldn't want my parents to be involved with my problem but Trevor insisted. I'm glad I listened to him though, I know its not just my parents I'm worried about, but also the fact that next door lives the the father of my child.

"How do you feel?" Trevor asks.

"Amazing, thank you so much for doing this"

"If you need anything just ask" he said before he went downstair to get the other luggage.

I find myself staring at the mirror, lifting my shirt to expose my bare stomach. Carressing it gently trying to feel the bump building inside. This whole thing hits me like whirlwind. I just got married and now I'm going to be a mom. I love this child already even if its barely there, I'll do anything to protect him. The images of a little boy with curly hair and blue eyes, just like his father keeps creeping in my mind. He would have his smile and two little dimples. I remember when Harry said he's not fond of children, I wonder how he would feel if he knows its his child I'm carrying. But he doesn't and he never will, I promised Trevor. Its the least I could do for cheating, for breaking my vows. But it happened before the wedding, my innerself corrects me. I know, but if I didn't let my weakness overpower me this will not happen and look where it got me. I'm a sick, pregnant woman about to die, who betrayed her husband who loves her deeply. I made a stupid mistake but Trevor did not let me go instead he holds me tightly as this whirlwind hits me.

I will forever love Harry, but Trevor has proven himself enough. We will be happy, I can make it. We can get through this.

"Angel, lunch is ready" he says, placing the luggage on the floor. He knows what I've been thinking, he's hurting and its because of me. I need to stop being selfish. He hugs me tightly, his scent that I've get used to, his warmth that tell me he's not going anywhere. I'm so blessed to have Trevor in my life. He leans down to kiss me, his lips soft and warm. I kissed him back making him feel how greatful I am to have him. He moans in my mouth as I tug his hair. I want to show him how special he is, that we can make it, him and I together.

"I can see your not hungry" he said through kisses.

"I want you Trev, make love to me"

His lips crushed mine and I open allowing him access. His hands under my shirt, stopping when he reached my hardened nipple. Squeezing and tugging it alternately. I moan with the sensation. Pulling his shirt up as I did mine. Trevor lay me in bed as he continues to conquer my lips. Nails digging his back leaving mark. I unfastened his belt and pulled his jeans down. I want him inside me.

"Slowly angel, I want to savour this moment" he said kissing me all the way down my neck to the center of my breasts, stopping on each nipple who needs his attention.

"Oh my God Trev" I gasped as he continue to take his time worshipping my breasts. My body arched as he made his way down. Kissing every inch of my inner thigh until he reached my sex. His tongue carressing my folds. My hands fisted his hair, pushing him further as the sensation overwhelms me, everytime he hits the right places.

"Fuck angel, you're so sweet" he hissed as he insert a finger into me.

"Please Trev" I begged as he adds another finger, his thumb circling my sensitive spot.

"Come for me Paige" he whispered in my ear nibbling my earlobe, his fingers pumping. I reach my orgasm my wetness in his hands.

"You'll be the death of me" he said. Trevor circles his cock on my entrance, the tension inside me rebuilding as he slowly enters me.

"Oh God Trev" I gasped with the slow torture.

"Look at me angel" He change his pace. Every thrust bore deep into me, awakening every nerve. I look into his eyes as he continue to pump, my hips meeting his in rythym.

"Tell me you're mine"

"I'm yours Trev" I say as we both reach our climax.

Days, weeks and months quickly pass as I'm on my last month. Hospital has been my home most of the time, since every now and then my heart fails me. Trevor visits me every weekend, always makes time even if his busy in the office. I have a strong feeling my baby and I can make it. We still haven't found a donor for the transplant, I guess its not easy to find someone who would just donate a heart but the doctor said there's a big chance that everything will fall into place.

As for Harry, he's conquering the world. Album after album, award after award and touring around the world. He's always in LA but I always see him in TV. I've heard Kate and him are back together. There's a sting whenever I think of it, especially when I see pictures of them together. They look lovely together, guess he finally moved on. I'm happy for him, I should be.

"Sweetheart, your in deep thoughts again" mom said joining me in the porch.

"Nothing mom, I'm just excited"

"Oh! I can see"

"Mom, I'm okay. Don't worry"

"Your still thinking about him, don't you?"



"I'm not, why should I?"

"You're my daughter, I've seen you grow, I know everything about you, you think you can hide something from me?"

"I'm not hiding anything"I say defensively

"Do you think you should tell him?"

"Mom, I don't think we should talk about that now, or ever"

"Okay, I'm sorry, but you know someday he will know. I just wish you won't regret any of this"

"I'm not worried about that now, I'm worried about the baby. Do you think everything will be okay?"

"Of course dear. Don't worry too much, its bad for the baby." mom said patting my shoulder. I sigh, I'm trying to be as optimistic as possible but sometimes I can't help but think about the other side.

"Mom, I want you to promise me something" she eyes me curiously.

"What is it?"

"Choose my baby"

"No sweetheart we don't have to choose, both of you will make it"

"Just promise me" I pleaded. She didn't say anything but her eyes assures me that my baby is safe and thats all I could ask for.

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