Part 34

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Harry POV

Its my parent's anniversary and I know I've been too busy lately so I need to make it up to them. As I went inside, my mom is busy in the kitchen with Lorna, they didn't even notice me coming. I  decided to go straight to my room, I'm tired, maybe I could take a nap first since its still early. As I walk to the living room I saw this kid, who's son is this? My mom adopted a girl if I remember it correctly. He looks at me and smiled, I couldn't understand what I felt but there's a pull between us. He walks to me and held his hands.

"Up"the kid demanded

As I held him in my arms I feel possesive,like he's mine. I went to the kitchen to ask mom who this kid is. When my mom saw me she stopped like she's seen a ghost.

"Hi mom, I brought my son." I told her jokingly.. Lorna was laughing but my mom didn't.

"Nice try Harry,you look good together though, right Susan?"Lorna said but mom didn't answer. "Come here Eddie. Maybe Harry's tired."

"No!" so his name's Eddie.

"Dont worry Lorna,you do your stuff  I'll watch over him"

I never liked a child before but Eddie's diffirent, I feel comfortable with him.

"Okay, just give him to Paige when she arrives"Lorna said

So this is Paige's son,that explains why I feel possesive about this child, coz of her mom.

I haven't seen her in awhile, I distance myself she's grieving and as much as I want to but  I don't want to be her rebound. I wanted so much to comfort her but I don't know if i can. I feel bad of what happen to Trevor but something inside me is glad coz this could give Paige and I a chance.

Time has pass but my feelings for her didn't change at all. I've dated a lot but it was still her and now i have her child in my arms, we could be a family. I  could be the father of her child even if its Trevor's, I'd do that if that means we could be together. "Play" Eddie said pointing to the toys in our living room.

"Ok little bud"

I put him down and watch him playing. As I  look at his face closely, something familiar hits me yet I  don't know where I've seen a face like this.

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