Part 27

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Trevor POV

Paige is asleep when I entered the room, she looks peaceful, beautiful even in her sleep. We've been through a lot before being where we are  now and I know this is one of those struggles we have to face. Paige is the only person who cared for me, the only one who grabbed my hand when I almost drown into darkness. She see things in me that I'm not even aware of. She brings out the best out of the worst in my life. I can't thank her enough, I'd be forever greatful. Life is just full of joke, how can someone as kind as her suffer this kind of fate. I carress her cheek and her eyes flutter.


"Are you okay?" she asks weakly, even if she's in this situation she still worry about me.

"Yeah, you?"

"I don't know, everything's so sudden"

"Do you want me to call your parents?"

"No,no.. I don't want them to worry"

I'm torn between my own emotions. Should I tell her about the baby or continue to lie which I think she doesn't deserve.

"I'm sorry" Paige said.

"For what?"

"We've just been married for a month and then look what I got us into. I know you want a wife who would be there for you all the time, not someone sick and dying"

"Don't say that angel, I'd still choose you no matter the situation is"

"I know Trev, that's why I'm so glad to have the best husband in the world" Paige smiled and right then I knew I have to tell her. She has so much faith in me and I don't want her to feel betrayed.

"We should be celebrating now coz we have our baby on the way but here we are in this damn hospital" she said. I have to tell her ,she needs to know. If she choose to be with Harry then maybe this time its time for me to let her go. They have a child, a child who needs a family. I know how it feels to have none and I don't want to keep things from her.

"You think its a boy? I'd love my first born to be a boy. He would surely look like you Trev and..."

"The baby's not mine"

"I'm infertile, I knew it three years ago. Its impossible Paige" Silence fills the room. Paige stared on the ceiling.

"It's Harry isn't it?" She didn't answer me but the tears falling from her eyes confirms it.  Paige has been crying a lot lately and I don't want to increase the load she's already carrying.

"You don't have to worry, no one will know even him. I'll treat the child as mine" I say. Its a crazy, pathetic and absolutely stupid idea but I'll do it for her.

"You can't Trev, I don't want you to do it"

Paige wants me gone, she wants Harry. No, I won't last a day without her.

"I want to" Hell, I'd do anything for her.

"This is too much for you Trev and you've done nothing but love me, you don't deserve me. I cheated. I deserve to be alone. I'm sorry"

"We'll do this together. I can't give you a child and Harry can. As stupid as it sound, maybe I should thank him for completing our family" I couldn't believe the things that come out from my mouth but I mean it.

"How can you be so selfless?" she asks

"I'm not but you are. I love you angel, more than anything"

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