Part 31

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Harry POV

Love is the most wonderful feeling in the world, it will make you insanely happy even in the slightest reason that you should be. Love is suppose to make you complete, the only thing that blocks you from feeling what love really is, are the people you share or give love with. Its funny how someone like me who write songs about love and romance haven't experience it myself. There is no dark side about love, there's just the right person and right timing that should coincide inorder to experience the magic behind the word.

I, on the other hand found the right person at the wrong time or shall I say the right time but the wrong person. None of it matter now. I told Paige love is holding on, love is waiting but in my situation waiting is out of the picture, holding on? I think I've held long enough eventhough the slightest reason for me to hold is gone almost a year ago.

"Styles, what are your plans?"Liam asks me. Our manager give us three days black out, meaning three days free from everything including the management. Before, Holmes always comes to mind. Well, it still does but I'm having second thoughts.

"Err, I don't know. What you guys up to?"

"I'm going skiing with Eleonore, wanna join us?" said Louis.

"I suck in skiing Lou, that's a no for me. Maybe I'll tag along with Naill" I say and they all seem surprise with the idea.

"Seriously? I mean not that I don't like it but you hate Ireland"

"I didn't say that" I say defensively. Naill has been inviting me to his grandmother's so many times but I always say no, now Ireland sounds appealing.

"Okay, but are you sure? I'll tell Nana, she's your fan, she'll be excited to have you around"

"Should I be scared?"

"Fuck yes"Louis blurted. I looked at him curiously.

"No, I mean she's nice, but you know  how all granny is"

"Shut up Lou, she's okay Harry. I've meet her once. She's nice and welcoming" Zayn said.

"Very welcoming" Louis says as I eye them back and forth.

"You're making it sound like my Nana's a serial killer, so what Harry are you coming or not?"

"I'm in"

"Are you sure you're doing this?" Naill ask as the van stops infront of a small bungalow. I was asleep most of the trip and now where in his granny's house.

"You can't backout once you step a foot outside the van" he warns.

"Shut up Naill, I'm starving." I say, shoving him so I can climb out the van. A white haired lady greeted me with a welcoming arms and a sweet smile. So this is the lady they all warn me about.

"Hello dear, how's the trip?" she says squeezing me tightly.

"Good morning ma'am"

"Oh don't call me that. Call me Nana. Lets go inside and have you guys settled"

I followed her inside the house and just as I was expecting a small cozy house filled with pictures in the wall, crocheted table covers and a fuzzy cat.

"Where's the best Nana in the world?" Naill yelled up the front door.

"Oh Naill, I thought you forgot to greet me"

"What? That's the last thing that would happen Nana. How are you?"

"Same old, same old. C'mon, you eat first I know both of you are starving from that long trip"

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