Part 15

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Paige POV

"Is everything ready sweetheart?" that's the tenth time Nigel ask me that question since this morning. Both of us were tense because we'll be presenting in the board.

"Relax Nigel, we'll be fine." I assure him.

"You seem to be in a good mood."

"A little." I say. Who wouldn't be if you happen to wake up beside Harry. I left him sleeping coz I don't want to be late for work today, besides he needs to rest. I know I've been eating up my words when I said I will stay away from him. Its like being a suicide bomber wherein you know you'll die in the end but prefers to sacrifice and get hurt. Martyrs doesn't exist today sweetheart, my innerself tells me, but I beg to disagree coz I'm a living proof that they still does. Harry needs me now more than ever, I promised him I'll stay and thats what I'm gonna do. I'm still a little worried about the issue he's facing but like what Zayn said, this will pass and I believe him.

Today is friday and later after work Harry and I will be heading home to get my stuff. Even we're just together this morning I'm still excited to be with him in the trip and I've been counting the hours that seems to be dragging, good thing this presentation is keeping me busy.

"I still can't believe the president's here today." Nigel said pacing back and forth our office.

"I thought he's here in times like this."

"Nope, he usually have someone to take his place."

"Is he that busy? Or he just don't care?" I ask

"Well, before his dad were so hands on with Sun's, then his uncle takes over after his dad died. He just showed interest with the business last year."

"Sounds complicated." I told him. Nigel just rolled his eyes and check his watch for the hundredth time. We still have a few minutes left but I'm also starting to get nervous since its my first time, luckily I'm just an assisstant but I did my homework as well incase Nigel will need me.

"I'm too old for this." he says.

"We've been preparing this for a week now, we're ready." I say trying to ease his anxiousness.

"Yeah, but I don't know whats he like."

"Well, lets go meet mister president then."

The boardroom almost looks like the office during my interview only bigger. The walls are made of glass,you can see the entire city from here. The black leather chairs are in contrast with the white carpeted floor. A long glass table in the middle, lighted by the huge, elegant crystal chandeliers in the ceiling. There's a huge red chair at the end of the table looking more like a throne, probably its for the president.

Nigel and I were seated on the other end, infront of the huge screen. A few members of the board we're already here. My hands are starting to shake. Nigel and I were doing the last few touches for the presentation when somebody spoke.

"The president's here" says a blonde girl dressed in all white. The door opened and Mr.Beckett entered followed by the last man I thought I'll be seeing today. Trevor. They all greeted him good morning except me who's stuck in my place. Nigel grab my arm so I could sit, I must be standing for awhile.

Why is Trevor here? And how did he became the president? This is probably a dream, I tried to pinch my arm, I can feel the pain. This is freakin' real.

Trevor sits on the red chair, his eyes darting my face.

"Good morning Paige" Trevor said, making all eyes inside the room on me.

"Uhm..good.. good morning" I stutter. Nigel eyes me curiously, I shrug my shoulders in return. I'm still trying to process everything in my mind.

"Shall we proceed?" Trevor says and everybody was back to business. I could feel his gaze on me making this whole presentation uneasy. I thought work was amazing but not until today.

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