Part 35

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Paige POV

I should face my fears, I convinced myself, I went inside Susan's house and hear Eddie laughing.

Then I saw Harry playing with him, my heart melts seeing my child with his father. I'm glad Harry wasn't looking at me or he'll wonder why I reacted this way.


Eddie stood up,walking to me. Harry turned, eyes on me as I held Eddie in my arms. He's still breathtaking like before,I don't know what to say. "Momma, friend." Eddie said pointing at Harry. "Really baby, I'm glad you meet a friend here" "Yeah" Eddie said wiggling so he could go down.. Harry still has his eyes on me,what should I say? Act normal Paige, my innerself tells me.

"I didn't know your coming" I told him hoping not to show I was shaking inside.

"Yeah,to make up for them"

"Momma, what friend name?" Eddie asks

"I'm Harry" Harry answered sitting back on the floor to play with Eddie.

I sit in the sofa watching them,Harry glances at me sometimes. I know the spark's still there by the way he looks at me but for me its more than that especially now that Eddie likes him. We could be a family, like what I dream about but I don't think Harry could forgive me after hiding his son from him and if he still loves me after everything that has happened.

Susan calls us for dinner, I carried Eddie to the kitchen, Harry behind us. When my mom saw us I saw a tear fall from her eyes, I know its hard for her to hide the truth from Susan. Susan looks at us and I can sense she's building something inside, I just hope she talks to me first.

Eddie insists to seat on Harry's lap while we have dinner, he seems to be so at ease with him. My mom and Susan keeps watching us through out the dinner, maybe I should to talk her later.

"I'm so glad we're complete tonight" Richard said with little Anne in his lap

"and of course with the addition to our neighborhood" he said smiling at Eddie

"What's his name?"

"Eddie."mom answered.

"Of course I know its Eddie, I mean his real name."

"What's your name buddy?" Harry asks Eddie.

"His names Edward, Edward Riley"

"So we have the same name"Harry said

"So you're Harry Jr"Richard added.

Harry looks at me probably wondering why I name him that? After dinner mom went home with Eddie, everyone's in the livingroom including Harry leaving Susan and I alone in the kitchen. I help her tidy up everything, she seems tense. Something's bothering her I can tell.

"I'm sorry for not telling you"

"You really think you should apologize to me Paige?"

"I know I owe Harry big time, but I made a promise to Trevor and I'm still trying to keep my promise"

"Then why apologize Paige if you don't mean to make it right"

"Its the least I could do Susan, for keeping everything from you"

"Until when Paige? When will you keep Harry away from his son? You think you can hide this forever?"

"No, not forever"

"Then tell him or I will"

"Susan please, you know what this will do to Harry. You think a child is good for his career? This will destroy him, everything he worked hard for. Eddie and I are fine without him. Lets not bring Harry into this. I know he has to know, but let time tell"

"But why Paige? Why did you name him Edward?"

"Coz I know that no matter how I keep Eddie from him, he will still be and forever be his son"

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