Part 13

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Harry POV

Girls are so complicated. I'm not a fucking mind reader for fucks sake. I thought everything was smooth yesterday but she run away again. My heart's crushed. Guess you really can't have everything in the world. But I'd choose Paige, I'll choose her more than anything. My grip tightens on the wheel, I should have told her I love her, that I don't want her to be my bestfriend. But what if I'll scare the shit out of her. You're a coward Styles, my innerself tells me. I know I am but it was hell when she left and I don't want that to happen again. If I tell her she won't just run to Jenny's but probably somewhere very far from me. In time Paige will eventually realize what more is and I will wait. I've waited for five years and I'll wait another five if thats what it takes.

Louis is playing XBox when I arrive. Boys don't usually talk about girls but if I don't vent out I'll be crazy.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask.

"Sure mate." he said, still focus on the game.

"Have you ever loved someone so desperately that it drives you crazy?" Louis has his eyes and mouth on the floor when he turns to face me.

"Are we talking about the pornstar?" he asks

"She's not a pornstar dude." He didn't answer, brows furrowed, waiting for me to ellaborate. I told him everything that happened between Paige and I, leaving her identity behind.

"You got it bad mate." he finally said

"I know." I say ruffling my hair.

"Why can't you just tell her?"

"I can't."

"Love is all about risks." he says. I'm too scared to risk anything with Paige. I won't survive without her.

"But she'll leave."

"She will if she doesn't love you, but based on what you told me she does."

"You think? This is fucking crazy man." I groaned.

"It hits you like train."

"More than a fucking train"

"If I were you, I'll go back and tell her." he suggests. Its so easy to say but freakin' hard to do.

I've parked across Jenny's flat, gathering every courage I have. Louis is right, I have to stop being a coward. I have to clear things between us once and for all.

"Paige" Jen calls as she sees me. It took me forever to knock. Man up Styles, its either you leave this place with a smile or tears in your face, my innerself says.

"She's in her room." Jen says as she lets me in pointing Paige's room.

"Thank you." I told her.

Paige was in her bed, sleeping soundly. I sit on her bed caressing her cheeks. Her eyes begins to flutter, her big brown eyes radiates melting my heart. The curves of her lips, red and full. She's so beautiful.

"Harry" she says sleepily

"I'm sorry." I said.

"For what?" she sits up, holding my hands.

"For what happened earlier" Goddamn it, why is it so hard to tell her why I'm here.

"It's okay, I'm sorry too."

"Until when are you going to keep your promise?" I ask. Curiousity shows in her face.

"What do you mean?"

"That you'll stay, and won't leave me."

"I told you as long as you'll want me." Paige says.

"I want you to stay even after I tell you something." I said.

Loved You First (HARRY STYLES)Where stories live. Discover now