Part 17

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Trevor POV

I don't know how Paige does it but everytime I see her I want to make her mine, I'm obsess as hell. I know I've made mistakes and I swear to God I'd do anything to fix this, to undo all the pain I've caused her. For years I tried to be better, to be the man she deserves.

I was covered with darkness from my past. My parents were killed infront of me, I was a broken child. I hated life, hell I hated to be alive. I don't need the wealth my family has, I needed my family, my parents. I grew up with my uncle, he tried his best to be the family that I need but my heart is close. Its frozen.

I grow up wasting my life, getting drunk, nailing girls, doing drugs, picking up fights and all the sort of things that you could ever imagine. The only sane thing I did was joining the basketball team, at first I was hesitant but it somehow fills the emptiness. I thought I'd die like that, a fucking worthless asshole, but I saw Paige, my salvation, my angel.


"Get off me Jack!" I heard a girl scream in one of the dark corridor of the school. I ignored it, coz its none of my fucking business.

"Help! Please help me" the girl cried, I can tell she's in danger. I went where the voice was coming. What the fuck! I saw this douchebag trying to force himself to the girl. I grab his shirt and beat his ass off. I know I'm a shitty person but not like this. I can't imagine myself raping a girl, hell I don't need to. Girls were easy.

"Mr.Riley!" Shit! I didn't even notice that people were already surrounding us, I was too busy hitting this asshole.

"In my office, both of you!" our guidance councelor said. I grab my bag and followed her, the fucker behind me.

"Be seated" I sit on the couch across her desk, I don't want to go anywhere near that bastard.

"Isn't it too early to be in trouble this school year? Can anyone enlighten me with what I just witnessed in the corridor?"she exclaimed. I hate this lady, I hate school, I hate everything!!

"He started it." the fucker said.

"Fuck you!" I growled

"Enough! I see both of you are very fond of each other, so a week suspension would be enough for you to bond more"

"What the hell!" I yelled. Well I'm pissed that I'm dragged into this. Screw school, I don't give a shit anyway. The guy was saying something, but I don't care anymore. Then the door opened, the girl from the corridor entered followed by an angel. Great! I'm hallucinating now, then she smiled at me. She's real. Why didn't I see her before?

" I apologize for barging in Mrs. Booth" she said, her voice so soft, igniting tiny sparks in my frozen heart. I stared at her as she was telling Mrs. Booth what really happened. Her eyes were sparkling even behind those glasses.

"Thank you." the counselor finally said.

"Mr. Riley you can go now and stay out of trouble"

The girl already reach the bottom of the stairs when I finally caught her..

"Wait" I say as I grab her arm. She looks at my busted hand and I pulled it away.

"Why'd you do that? I ask her.

"You don't have to be ashame of the goodness you do to others and it doesn't have to be you who'll always take the blame" she says as she takes both of my hands. Her hands are soft incontrast of mine, another part of me was lighted by her touch.

"You also need to see the nurse team captain." She knows me. Where were you all my life? I ask myself. As I was about to say something a guy called her, then she was gone. It feels dark again, she took the light with her. Atleast I get to know her name, Paige.


That was the day I started to have a reason to live. I almost search every classroom in the school just to see her and when I did, I became a stalker for awhile. I changed most of my classes to have it the same with her. But it was not easy coz she's always with this punk. I was so happy when she finally noticed me then we became friends and then more.

For two years that we've been together I changed, I stop picking fights, stop drinking and even going to those fuck up parties. I even manage to open my books and attend classes, it was a big change but a good change. For once I feel like I'm breathing. I promised myself that she's the one and I'd rather die than lose her till that day happened. Its too late to repent but I will do whatever it takes to make her mine again.

"I'm glad you finally have time." George said. He's my dad's close friend. We're in a restaurant discussing business.

"Don't start with me old man."

"Or is it because of Ms. Gomez?"

"Stop acting like you know me." I hissed.

"Actually for the years that I've known you, I feel like I do know you, very well." he says finishing his wine.

"I thought we're here to talk about business."

"Yes, we are."

"Then stop talking nonsense."

"You are just like your father. God, I miss that man."

"Are we talking or I'm leaving?" I don't want to talk about my parents. Its something I've buried deep inside.

"Fine, but you know I'm just here you know. If you wanna talk about anything, bitches included."

"Paige is not a bitch" I growled.

"There you have it. I was just testing you son. Well, I'm glad someone has finally tamed you." he half laugh. Being with him tonight bores me to death, when he finally finish I immediately left.

I called Jenny, to tell her about what happen today. When I left Holmes, Jen and I became close, she was my cousin and she's close to Paige so I need her on my side. I found out Paige is going home so my plans on visiting her is postponed. Instead I went to the bar for a drink to help me get through the night without her, coz now that I finally see her again I know I'll be needing her to survive a day.

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