Part 9

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Paige POV

"What are you doing here?" I say as I saw Harry when I open my eyes. He's in my room sitting in the sofa. He's eyes looks like he didn't have sleep, he probably just arrived. He walks toward the bed and sits on the egde, looking at me intently.

"I told you to call me if you need anything." he says, exhaustion obvious in his voice.

"I don't need anything."

"Your eyes betrays you Paige." I glance in the mirror of my closet. My eyes swollen showing signs that I cried hard.

"Its nothing."

"Do we have to start with this again?" he smirks.

"We're not starting anything Harry." I say as my mind refreshes the reason why I cried last night. I don't want to deal with this now. I'm hurt but he doesn't need to know, we're not together I don't have the right to get jealous nor cry if he has someone else.

"I thought were okay."

"Exactly what I was thinking." I should look strong but my voice betrays me.

"Is it about the party? That I didn't call?" he starts to question me. Its not about the call Harry, its about the text, I say to myself. I didn't answer him, I have nothing to say.

"Paige please, we're trying to work this out, but I need you to help me." he pleaded.

"What are we working out Harry?"


"What about us? That we're what? Friends? More? I'm not even sure what to call us."I told him.

"We don't need to be called anything." he says as he move closer to me.

"I thought so." I said harshly. How can we have label, if he has a girlfriend in the first place.

"Damn it!" he cussed. My tears are threatening to fall.

"I don't know what to do with you Paige."

"You don't need to do anything Harry, I'm not your burden to carry." I wipe the wetness that are now in my cheeks.

"Can we atleast still try?" he asks, I'm not sure if thats a good idea but I promised him I'll stay, that I'll help him feel normal. I'm not his girlfriend, so technically he doesn't owe me anything so I have to stop being a drama queen.

"I'm still staying Harry." I assure him. He pulls me to a hug, the pain that I feel starts to fade. My heart knows him, it easily melts when its close to its owner but my brain is wiser now and it tells me to stay away. The war I have inside is starting and I don't know which side to take.

Harry POV

Things are so confusing right. I don't remember I did anything that would upset Paige but she seems to be hurt. I almost confess what I feel to her, what I want us to be but I'm scared she will turn me down again. Being this close to her is enough for me till I'm sure she's ready. I don't want to leave her like this but I have obligations tonight.

"Are you sure you're okay now?" I ask. We are standing in their door, her head resting on my shoulder as I stroke her hair. There are so many things left unsaid between us. She won't tell me why she acted like this but I'm going to find out.

"You have to leave now." she said

"I'll be back babe." I promise her.

Its four o'clock when I reach our building. I call it building coz its a building, although the boys and I live here. Its a four storey building owned by our management. The top floor is were we stay. Each of us has a room but share other facilities like the living room and kitchen. Third floor is our studio, where we do most of the recording and practice. Second and ground floor is for the management, offices and stuff like that can be found there. They hold several artist but we're the biggest they have so they caged us. Yeah, its exaggerated, but keeping us this close is one way to control us.

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